Monday, August 05, 2013

can't wait for 120 floors of condos

There's more stuff coming out about the Davis bomber. I'm privy to a little extra info but won't spill it here. He's cute. I said it.

So, on Sunday the Bee had an editorial about how the city has one chance to get the arena right. If I agree that that's possible, which I'm not sure about, I certainly don't agree that we should use it to create a public square a la Times Square or Union Square.  Times Square is pretty much the worst thing in Manhattan. I read something recently about how if a NYer  runs into another NYer there they make excuses like "I just had to run across really quick".  That probably sounds snobby but it's an indication that NYers don't hang there. Similarly Union Square is only for tourists and having spent time there recently on a shopping trip I can say that there are just chain stores and shitty rip off restaurants.  Plus, neither has arenas so I don't know what that has to do with anything.

Then, they printed a long editorial by that cheerleader for luxury lofts, Rob Turner.  He is calling for condo towers where the stupid 60 story condo towers were supposed to go pre-recession. He mentions "well heeled" residents. I may have already talked about this. Know why? They pretty much printed his Sac Town article word-for-word. Nice. 

BAR's review of Hock Craft Farm Provisions Locavore Farm To Fork confirms what I suspected. The part about the menu putting you to sleep is funny.  I won't usually judge a place harshly unless I've tried it and in this case I still would if a friend recommended it but I can't see that happening.


gee whz said...

We went to Hock Farm and sent the fish back. It was supposed to be tuna, but it was so so fishy. The waiter argued that it was fresh today! Albacore! and it was like, dude smell it. It's either old or not tuna.

sharper said...

Shouldn't the fourth paragraph have read, "the latest in a long line of ideas from the powerhouses that brought you Cafe Bernardo, Paragary's Bar and Oven, Cafe Bernardo, Centro, Cafe Bernardo, Esquire Grill, Cafe Bernardo, and several other hits and misses."?

Caroline said...

Are the Bee's food section photos always this awful? They look like fogged up smartphone pictures.

beckler said...

the ones for Pierlioni's column on Fridays are unbelievably bad. Worse than mine.

beckler said...

I just now noticed the secret blog going on a few posts down. Honestly when I wrote that I didn't actually want a peptalk but to bitch and moan however the peptalks took hold a bit. Probably if I stopped reading the Bee and Sactown I would feel better just seeing what is actually going to happen and not wild pie in the sky stuff that stresses me out. But I do love reading the Bee.

Anonymous said...

As an NYC resident i just want to confirm the comment about Times Square. Nobody who lives here EVER goes there by choice. It's where tourists go to see other tourists.

On the other hand, artificial town squares can be successful. They put one in front of the new stadium in Brooklyn, and it's a great meeting place.

-bubba gump

beckler said...

barclay's center looks pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Good news then: "The Barclays Center in Brooklyn, he said, has a herringbone design in the floor meant to be emblematic of New York City; the new Kings arena can be expected to have similar thoughtful touches, he said."


beckler said...

wow the Roman Coliseum. He's aiming pretty high!

Anonymous said...

Told you he's well-traveled! :)


wburg said...

I can see KJ in a toga already...

Anonymous said...

We didn't care for Hock Farms.


Anonymous said...

I think the Bee did reprint his editorial from SacTown - it's pretty common for Op-eds to run in many places at the same time.

I don't mind 60 story condos- I'll certainly take them over sprawl and McMansions - as long as they're not paid for with another $#@! city subsidy.
