Tuesday, May 03, 2005

House of D

Oh my god, this Ebert review of the Duchovs directed and written debacle "the house of D" (brilliant title) is hilarious: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050428/REVIEWS/50415001
I had the chance to see this movie this weekend and saw the Enron movie instead (which I recommend), but I must see it before it's gone!


  1. Wait, when are you coming to New York again?

  2. We'll be there this friday. We're all going out to dinner on saturday, so you should come!

  3. How long are you staying for?

    Here is my phone number: 917-536-0091.

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    My favorite line from Ebert's review:

    "Pappass, who "can't go where you're going" -- no, not even though he steals Tommy's bicycle."

    Also, the NY Times had a good review. The opener is priceless:

    "The reasons to avoid 'House of D,' David Duchovny's earnest, unwatchable coming-of-age drama, can best be summarized in a simple declarative sentence. Robin Williams plays a retarded janitor."

  5. Poor duchovs. He should go back to yelling "scully!" in the woods. Josh, I'll write down your number.
