Thursday, July 28, 2005

Holy Crap!

I was checking the MCs to see if more folks had chimed in about how much they love me, how great I am, etc. (answer: no, but at least no one wrote anything mean, either), and I found this. Weird.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Wow! Missed Connections is a lot more interesting when it's all about our friends!


    p.s. i wish i could have some pep-dog kon-dog!!!

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Do you think that dime bag is still in it?

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Okay, so you guys are MC experts. Can you explain this to me?


  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    This is considered to be a classic "stream of consciousness" missed connection, where the creator expresses his desire for an asian hook up through enigmatic phrases and seemingly random images. By employing this missed connection methodology, the author has disguised his standard longing for pussy with a transparent air of mystery thta probably makes him feel less pathetic.

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The dime bag may not still be in it the wallet, but since the guy's been carrying the curse of DP's wallet with him for the last 8 years, that same condom is surely still in it. Ohhhh! David, don't hurt me.

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Anonymous, that is such a weak dis.

  7. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Brew- Okay, maybe it won't win any peewee dis contests, but it's certainly not as weak as "that is such a weak dis." I would have accepted: "David doesn't need to hurt you. You've already hurt yourself bad enough by slamming into that humor bar you've apparently lowered so much." or... I don't know what else. Okay fine... we both let everyone down with our lazy disses. Regroup. -Anonydis

  8. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Dear Anonymous,

    Thank you for your academic explanation of aforementioned MC.


    Is this art?

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    my wallet's cursed?!? are all my wallets cursed? or was just that one cursed? should i throw the away wallet i presently have or the condoms i presently have? golly, who can tell.
    thanks for diggin this mc up heckasac, i lost that wallet at pst. after a popesmahers show and was really quite bumed at the time. it has\had lots of high school pictures in it. wild

  10. woah. i took a trip in the wayback machine just now. back to the time when i was dating a popesmasher. look how i namedrop. so smooth you wouldnt even notice unless i point it out.

  11. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Whatevs anonydis...I'm just calling it like it is. Maybe I have a cursed purse and that's why my disses are so weak today.

