Monday, July 11, 2005

It's on!

The Crest has finally responded and it looks like the spelling bee is on. Tower has already been practicing. Shall we tentatively say sometime in august? Is anyone offering to host?


  1. Should I fly out? Give it a professional touch?

  2. By the way, spelling bee words can be found here:

  3. That's funny, because at the river yesterday we were talking about how rad it would be if we could fly you out to mc. How's your calendar in august? Maybe we could have a fundraising car wash or something.

  4. You should email me.

    Would it be a weekend?

  5. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I bet we could fundraise at least a one way Jet blue ticket. I have an even better idea. The Transplants should come out and play a show at the spelling bee!

  6. I don't know if this is common knowledge out west but the Transplants have undergone name change due to the other Transplants out there with the guy from Rancid. We are now known as The 'Plants(note apostrophe).

  7. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Sorry, Josh. Well The 'Plants should come out. Maybe its about time for that long awaited Loft reunion show, now that Mike G. is back in town.

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    ..shit, you guys are so getting hustled by this spelling bee. you like how we played it up that we weren't really inot the idea and then we "finally" said yes. Since i am the worst speller and will have nothing to do with is 'bee', I'll let you know we have one amazing speller on staff. you guys are fucked.


  9. ooh. I'm skared. No, make that scared.

  10. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I can't wait till the Crest brings out an "employee" hired that evening to cheat their way to victory. JK JK JK. I'm wondering if Dietrich is your secret weapon? We could try to slip him acid the day of the bee.


  11. Anonymous2:44 PM

    one good is speller does not a victory make. this speller need only miss one word and the whole house of cards that is the crest will come tumbling down! also i voluteer to wash cars shirtless to raise $ for the Josh. i know , i know the economy is bad and it might drain alot of cash from the city if i offer myself bare breasted for cash, but it seems worth it.

  12. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Oh wait, I mfucked up and accidently just slipped DP acid!


  13. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I wondered what it would take to finally get DP shirtless.


  14. Anonymous11:08 AM

    DP, I will pay you five dollars to keep that shit on in restaurant situations.

