Thursday, July 07, 2005

Spelling Bee!

Originally uploaded by becklerg.

After the post bonanza yesterday, I'm almost all posted out. I do want to stir up shit as far as the Tower vs. Crest spelling bee goes. Many of the Tower-ites are stoked on this and ready to do some spelling battle. I tried to indicate that with this picture from "Road Warrior". Crest, step up to the plate! Tower is throwing down the spelling gauntlet, how do you respond?

The Bunnygrunt/Razorcuts/Frenchman show was fun, although I cut out before the headlining Frenchman in pursuit of a full night's sleep. The ex-Razorcuts guy was really good. Fun show.

There is soooo much going on this weekend. I guess I will post about it a bit later.


  1. Since I run a spelling bee here in New York I'm curious about this.

  2. Perfect. I may need help with the logistics. Where do you get your word lists?

  3. Beckler,

    as a non-biased spectator, are you offering to host this slaughter?

  4. nah. I think that Mike R. should host it, like he did with the arm wrestling. unless he doesn't want to, of course.

  5. hmm, i think you and i need to convene.

    i've got the workings going for both a block party at the end of the summer and a possible Tower vs. Crest fashion show.
