Thursday, September 08, 2005

Diamond Princess

baddest bitch
Originally uploaded by becklerg.

I was listening to this New Orleans classic bounce CD that this website is hosting right now, and I got to thinking about the Magnolia projects in New Orleans and how so much of my favorite hip-hop came out of there or surrounding areas. I thought it would be cool to look up some info on those projects but there isn't really any on the net. I just kept finding stuff about how Juvenile's house on the lake got destroyed and how a bunch of his family members are missing and stuff. Listening to that mix CD it is crazy how much Juvie's style has changed over the years, it didn't use to have his distinctive nasal tone, but I guess he's been rapping since he was ten so it makes sense that he might have changed over the years.

Anyways, all that got me thinking about the Smashing Times that I'm currently researching and compiling, which got me thinking about the Diamond Princess, Trina, who has a new album (titled The Glamorest Life-awesome) coming out on October 4th. Jenny (what's up Jenny) may be the only one to click on this link, but if you do you can see her new video with lil wayne. The song is kinda weak and not that dirty. I hope the other singles are better. Also, sadly Trina was all blonde at the VMAs and looked like crap.

Speaking of the VMAs, I am behind the times, but Grace Tivo'd them and I finally got to see the R. Kelly thing yesterday. It was pretty crazy. It seemed thrown together cuz R. was forgetting the lyrics he was lip syncing and just gave up near the end. Goddamn I am just going to post it because you wouldn't believe the number of times coworkers have walked by and I feel parnoid that everyone in this place is wondering what I am up to.


  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    My name is Alevtina.
    I search for the man strong and relable with what i have felt you be.
    I very muth have love and i want to try construct with you having created strong family,
    having presented you all my tenderness and female caress.
    If you search same for that i wait from you of the letter on my post address and in more detail i shall tell about myself after.
    I with impatience wait from you of the ansewer.

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Yo, Alevtina, you're on Ekaterina's turf right now. Watch your back.

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

  4. Oh yeah, does anyone else remember on the Bananas tour when we were getting on the freeway in New Orleans and Jay pointed out the Magnolia projects? Ah memories.

  5. i think the jury's still out. at one point, it looked like Kelly was laughing at himself.

    mad genius or full blown idiot?
