Tuesday, October 11, 2005

hope you guys are enjoying this...

Here's a Dutch one, not quite as poetically funny as the Portuguese, but pretty good:

Good. !!! Is thus in the country. And how pleasant is dàt for all popfanaten. The Californische!!! is eccentric, hip hip hip and with eight man a large tie. Different members of this tie sit also in Outhud and LCD Soundsystem. With these ties shows!!! then also many agreements, with as a core notion 'punkfunk'.
Sleepiness becomes there gediscussieerd over how you really that remarkable tie name pronounce. The tie guesses self three the same sounds on, as 'pow pow pow'. By a small sphere question in the hall, one suggested under others 'tsjak' (3x), 'tsk' (3x), 'well' (3x) and 'WHAAA!' (?). The flyer of the show mentions the most accepted manner: ‘chk chk chk'. This is also the sound that the music approaches the closed. It is namely reteritmisch, funky and terrible dance bar. This everything is not brought alleviate dares with such bijdehante attitude, that you almost to stand.
Boil point Indeed, nobody in the Amsterdam Milky Way stands quiet by the action of!!!. From the first number, the hall goes already well loose. They open strong with their new single Task Ecstasy with me. This is compared yet reasonable light expense by the earlier work of their album Louden plain fizzy drink Now, with which they in the Netherlands last year breaks. Best by this album tonight is increased. Pardon my Freedom is a large success, but the public reaches the boil point on afsluiter Me and Guliani down by the Schoolyard.
Knocked loose multi-percussionisten Also on the stage is one celebration. Because nobody really a fixed spot appeared to have in this tie, comes the stage over as a going out playground for knocked loose multi-percussionisten. About it becomes press changed per song by instruments, are swarm by which they finished and closed with all around the drumstel to drum many different rhythms. The songs are crack built up around the rhythm. Also the melodies-instruments as the guitars do especially service as rhythmical blow instrument. Even singer Nic Offering do not sings real. He calls different rhythms and screams defiantly against its public: "There's no fucking rules, man!" How punk. Drummer John Pugh gathers to sing self halfway the action by Nic a tune with.
No breathing pause De cooperation of these eight men pure synergie, that as a flame misses on the public, is. Only suddenly are she away. Now that already? The set appeared so short. It heated public remains become foolish in the hall behind, if appeared that it no toegift is given and the curtains the stage close. What an anticlimax. But it was structuring then also a vertebra wind of an action, without real rest point the set and were to be given the public just a breathing pause. That is then the task of the dj that what scatters loose soul and motown-wild boar sneer over the men.

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