Tuesday, January 10, 2006

show problems

Does anyone know what's going on with the show tonight at the G street pub now that the touring bands can't make it? Is it just the Rege? In that case, what time will it start?


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Heather just cancelled it.

  2. Anonymous11:12 PM

    i need some help....speaking of shows.....
    ive got a romanian folk/gypsy music group called fishtank ensemble. were going to be in sacramento sunday night with nothing to do. is there any palce we can play? obviously im late with this and im not quite sure where to turn. well just have the itch to play and need a venue/ a party/ an odd space.....whatever! maybe just a short show or something, but i think people would really like us. stuff like this doesnt pass through town every day, trust me.
    thanks for your help, whoever you are!

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    If you want, I'll see if Jim at the distillery is up for doing something different on a Sunday. I'm waiting for a call from him anyway, so I'll ask if needed.


  4. Anonymous10:27 AM

    That would be so cool if they could play at the Swill. Not only is Ursula one of my favorite people, but her band is truly wonderful and fun!

    Somebody should get Daisy Spot on that bill. That would be a hell of a show.

    Fishtank Ensemble don't get to play very often because Ursula and Fabrice live in Italy, while the rest of the band live in the Bay Area.


  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    sure ed thanks! let me know if itll happen. email me at animaeeyes@yahoo.com. please dont abuse this address, anyone else.

  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Show tonight at Ironsides. see charles new band Megacool and then some other dudes. go go go.
    dave ninja

  7. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Hey Ursula,

    You just abused your address by posting it. Spambots will pick it up, if they don't have it already.
