Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Lambic article

for my brew lovin' readers


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Patrone had a dream that he was in a band called Lambic Heat. Their hit song went, "everybody's underwear is anybody's property!" with a catchy little tune. I'm shoutin' for a Lambic Heat cassingle this summer.
    -this summer.

  2. I've had both the fruity lambic ale and the the straight up farmhouse ale. Now I know why most lambic brews are fruit flavored. The plain stuff was pretty skunky, but I like the idea behind it!

    I need to tour Belgium!

  3. the whole booze/bands thing hit my dreams also. this morning i had a dream that the bananas were selling long sleeved band shirts that had camel packs for beer built into them.

  4. the best part about Lambic is you don't even have to love beer to love it. it's a league of it's own.

    except the Peach. that tastes like ass.

    Summer, didn't we try to cover "everybody's underwear is anybody's property!"?

  5. I like the taste of the raspberry lambic, but it seems like it has no alcohol in it. If you drink them all will just end up with a sugar headache.

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    hello beckles, is the lambic beer the drink i had the night of artbrut? ~jg

  7. yeah, it was a kriek, right (cherry) or was it a raspberry?

    are you coming to sac this weekend?

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Ally, that's true. They sell the big bottles of raspberry at TJ's now - but one = headache.

  9. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Sam Adams had a cranberry lambic that was pretty good for my yeast infection.


  10. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Ben and I had this one last night: Cantillon Organic Gueuze.

    It was crazy, but super good! I really liked it. Very tangy and citrusy, it reminded me of what I imagine a fermenting/recently fermented wine might be like. I recommend it...and it's super different from the fruity ones.


  11. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The craziest thing about the gueuze was that it said on the bottle not to drink it chilled, but at like 55 degrees. The bottle we had was probably more like 65 degrees, so we put the bottle on ice and poured ourselves a couple glasses, which were pretty fucking sour (and not really a great complement to fries), but totally interesting, with a nice thick yeasty texture. But later, when the beer had chilled all the way down, it was totally undrinkable. The sourness had totally taken over.


    P.S. We invested in a bottle of Orval the other night, which was six bucks for a smallish (like 10-oz) beer; and it was maybe the most delicious beer I've ever tasted. Did you try it yet Becky? I want to try all the Belgian trappists now.

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I was recently strung out on Belgians for months! I thought about it all the time! So good. So expensive.


  13. shit! i was just at nugget but forgot to get an orval. next week.
