Friday, July 27, 2007


Aahhh....Amtrak. (they should make that their new slogan). You are late almost all the time, and then today you are late, the train arrives, the people disembark, and there is mass confusion, including among the conductors about whether all the people waiting to go west should board that train. Finally, another train arrives and we are all shuffled over there, while other anxious passengers query us as to whether it's the train to Reno. The conductors also seem confused about when and where the Reno train will arrive. To be fair, it's rarely late in the morning when it really counts, but it's always late in the afternoon. I have a question, if anyone out there takes the medcenter shuttle, I'm afraid to take it because I doubt there will be room for my bike. Anyone?

Ricksha outdid itself last night. I had miso, all the nigiri I wanted, beer and sake, for twenty dollars total and the sea urchin was without a doubt the best I have ever had. Also, the hamacha and sake were insanely good, and I took a chance on the mackerel, which I expected to be fibrous, and instead discovered to my delight that they serve their nigiri with lightly pickled mackerel. So good.

Speaking of pickled mackerel, will someone please kill this fucking "arnold watch" column? It's nonsensical in a way that the News and Review seems to sometimes confuse with cutting edge. However, Bites sticks it to the Bee this week in a well-deserved way.


  1. I assume you are referring to my typo in spelline "hamachi"?

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I missspell thingee allthe time. No bigee. Type after morning bracer -hic- moor creativ.

    ~~~Boster Frooks

  3. Hey Becks, do you realize that last week was the third anniversary of Heckasac? Kudos!

  4. really? thanks, it flew by. leather is the traditional third anniversary gift, so please send any whips, saddles, etc. to heckasac HQ

  5. yeah, the medcenter shuttle won't accommodate more than 2 bikes on the front of it. you can do what beardsley and i do -- keep a bike on the davis side locked up in your office or wherever and keep a bike on the sac side.

    i ride my bike to the shuttle, lock it up in front of the hospital and then when i get to davis, i have another crappy bike waiting for me in case i want to get around town or whatever. it works out really well.
