Wednesday, August 01, 2007

new venues?

Can someone please let me know if the Times New Viking and Mika Miko shows have found new venues? I won't even complain if they're in Davis, I swear. Well, maybe a little.

So maybe you have all heard, but a change is afoot at the Sacramento institution, Lipstick. It's moving to the Blue Lamp.


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    its in the works to be moved to the delta of venus...drats i was gonna try and get it added to the rock the light and shhh heart bill at club pow this monday. super stupid funky rock dance party after the bands.
    whatzup with all these food posts?
    what you eat don't make us shit...
    sorry thats just some "real talk" probably won't get that joke cause you still ain't got my album yet.

    ~yr friend kaels

  2. Anonymous11:22 PM

    hotdog lasagna, all this smokin and drinkin in the club made me misspell my name.

    don't trip on the above post i love yr food talk but what happened to yr love of slow jamz?


  3. I just watched the video for chapter 13 of trapped in the closet and I love how the chorus is "oh shit".

    I am in the midst of a twee pop phase (man, crap term) that everyone else was in ten years ago. I'm so ten years ago.

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    slow jamz = smooth jazz

    Back to the food!

  5. Anonymous12:14 AM

    oh damm when is chapters 13-22 due out? u gotta see the new kells video with usher for "same girl," its extra sweaty(when their playin basketball)and its got a classic trapped ending. he's really found his nitch with these story songs. oh ya you gotta check out "real talk" too. i listen to it constantly, its so funny.

    chicken = pork

