Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Are you there God? It's me Heckasac.

The dudes out there probably never read any Judy Blume, but look how cool she is! She has a blog, and she's so cute. She's 69 (hot!). Although, to be honest, I do recall the dirty parts of her books more than the plots. Come to think of it, none of her books were my favorite. I mostly remember reading about Deenie and her washcloth. Remember that? I guess my faves were more like Island of the Blue Dolphins and A Wrinkle in Time. And Star Trek novelizations, of course.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Yeah, "Forever" really had nothing on "A Swiftly Tilting Planet."

  2. i'm pretty sure i only read "are you there god . . ." but i don't remember anything about a wash cloth. maybe i didn't understand what was going on when i read it? i do recall lots of puberty issues in the book, however.

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Dudes hecka read "Then Again Maybe I Wont". It was the "Are You There God? It's Me Margaret" for boys! Well, I read it anyway. And come (hey!) to think of it, all I remember is the wet dream part.


  4. Anonymous1:22 PM

    dudes read that? All I read was the 'Freddy the Pig' series and Sanford and Son novelizations.

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM

    omf -- did you carry your books with one of those leather straps?


  6. Anonymous2:52 PM

    As somebody who had to wear a backbrace in school, Deenie was a total crock. Pretty much all junior high guys are not going to look at you once you're stuck wearing one of those things!

    Blume will probably be remembered more for her place in pop culture than actual literary merit. Definitely remember Bridge to Terebithia The Westing Game or The Bigger Book of Lydia more than anything I've read by Blume.

  7. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Uh... I did actually try that.


  8. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Sorry about going all OT, but...
    Patrone - you seen the Saints live at Paddington Town Hall on youtube yet? It's the best best best.....


  9. Hecka, totally nerdy question but do you remember where you were the night the last episode of Star Trek: TNG aired?

  10. I only read Star Trek novelizations of the first series. My love for the next generation got lost somewhere in Riker's beard.

  11. i wonder how much money judy blume has. do you think she's like, hella rich?

  12. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Not bad, Woodhouse, but have you seen THIS?


    - Patrone

  13. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I remember feeling that "Dear God..." was kind of outdated, what with the whole maxi pad belt thing, but my friends and I all passed around an older sibling's copy of "Forever," in jr. high like a bible. The only thing I remember from it now was the part where the main character'sboyfriend causes himself a great deal of discomfort when he puts cologne on his nuts... in preparation for the big event? For years, I was so perplexed as to why any dude would do that.

  14. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Forever left me confused about many things too, purfumed nuts being one of them.
    There was a part about doing it on a towel, and of course my confusion that sometimes rubbers aren't boots. I was 9 what do you expect?

  15. How did I miss Forever? I got my hands on a copy of Wifey that traumatized me, though. There was some pubic shaving if I remember correctly.

    I think that yes, Judy Blume is now rich as fuck.

  16. I lived for Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Super Fudge, Blubber and Are You There God when I was in fourth grade and fifth grade.
    I remember feeling at the time like she was very different from anyone else writing for or about kids.
    Kept me realy excited about reading after I'd reread L. Frank Baum's books too many times.

  17. those ones for young kids had better plots i think, but i still don't consider them personal classics. i loved the wizard of oz books, too, although i didn't read that many. remember the glass cat? so cool!

  18. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Beverly Cleary! Beverly Cleary! Beezus wasn't exactly doing it on the bearskin rug or getting her period ala the Judy Blume kids, but she still rocked. And Otis Spofford is still one of the great figures in childrens literature.


  19. Anonymous9:58 AM

    And another thing-
    There was a great article in a recent New Yorker about Asperger's syndrome. Now I'm not sayin' that OMF has it or anything, but I couldn't help think of him repeatedly while reading the article:


    The crack about using a strap on his schoolbooks confirms it!


  20. yeah, i liked beverly cleary wayyyy better.

  21. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Great line from Scrubs:

    "What in the name of Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret were you thinking?"

