Thursday, June 19, 2008

voice of an angel

I have been way too distracted today by that fact that I am seeing George Michael in concert tonight to post. I can't even comprehend that in four hours I will be listening to the voice of an angel in person. I may pee and/or poo myself when he comes out on stage.

Yesterday I had some fun adventures in Alameda for a future Midtown Monthly daytrip article, and I ended up in Oakland at Legendary Palace (I'm sure you've heard of it). We picked these ladies live out of the tank, they steamed them, and we ate them. I did not shy away from the heads and found the taste to be a lot milder than crab gunk. I call them ladies because they were so pretty and feminine! We also got a dish with greens, enoki mushrooms, and preserved olives. I was curious because I had just read in Saveur (pronounced sav-oh) that some Chinese cuisine uses olives. And a young geoduck in which the tongue thing was sliced and sauteed and the head was deep fried with tasty pickled jalapenos. There's nothing like picking a live thing out of a tank and eating it five minutes later.


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I know not everybody has a body like me.


  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    There's nothing like picking a live thing out of a tank and eating it five minutes later.

    That's what she said.
