Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Help Verge Grow!

I won't be posting for a few days, but here's some important news about the Verge Center for the Arts. They just started a kickstarter campaign to raise money (click the link to check it out), and Liv made a neat little video about it. Verge is already doing a lot of cool stuff, and they could do so much more! It could be a really amazing resource for our city.

Also, there's a personal and the pizzas show at The Hub on Sunday.


  1. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Armond White quote of the day:

    "Steve O's Super Cocktail Bungee routine in a feces-filled port-a-john utilizes distance and trajectory in a way that recalls the great waterslide joke in Norbit (and should help rehabilitate that wonderful film's unfair reputation)."

    If there's one thing that is certain to "redeem" Norbit in the minds of critics, it HAS to be Jackass 3-D! Armond White, ladies and gentlemen.


  2. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Called it.

    Charles Albright

  3. Anonymous3:35 PM

    No Charles, I have to admit that I did not "call" the speed and trajectory of a port-a-pottie bungee jump as a redeeming factor for the Eddie Murphy film "Norbit". I really, really didn't.


  4. Anonymous2:04 PM

    But where you surprised?


    ps. Maybe the only thisng to redeem Norbit: shit.

  5. so you've been reading armond white? what do you think?
