Monday, November 21, 2011

chants I can get behind, chants I can't get behind

Yipes.  Going to the UCD rally today on the urging of my union.  I hope I don't get billy clubbed or pepper sprayed.  We'll see what it's like.  Sometimes I get embarrassed when I'm forced to chant.  I mean, I'm a Sacramentan, so I love chants, such as: best summer ever, talk about charles, etc.  But I don't like chants I can't get behind.

Speaking of chanting, on Friday, one of the bands that played at Bows and Arrows (Lichen) wanted us to chant both "smash the patriarchy" and "fuck the pigs".  I said "fuck the pigs" really quietly.  I depend on cops to protect me from serial killers, etc., so I didn't want that on record.  MOM was great that night, and so was Calvin Johnson.  It really warmed my cockles to see a nice-sized crowd, sitting attentively, NOT texting, not on their fucking iphones, just sitting and listening to Calvin talk and play.  I didn't know that was possible anymore.  I remember a few years back, when texting and camera phones and everything were just starting to become really prevalent, going to a Bananas show (at Kimos) and I could not fucking believe how many of the kids were spending all their time taking shitty pictures and video that they were probably not going to do anything with rather than just watching the band.  It was insane.  People seem to have chilled with that a bit, probably when they realized that the sound and picture is so crappy from a loud rock show.


  1. yeah! Best Summer Ever is finally updated. Link at right.

    The Living Library thing with Michele was very fun and informative. There was a good, engaged crowd. And no one seemed to take offense to her Euro-centric take on wine. There's one coming up in January on Sacramento's movie palaces. That one should be great.

  2. yeah I got a few more big posts to finish from Halloween and my birthday, so look for those. Sorry for the delay. I'm still recovering from Summer and birthday festivities. We chanted "manager's log!" at a tower employee meeting the other day. Those managers really need to communicate.
