Tuesday, June 18, 2013

9 years

This is not trolling for comments at all, but it may be time to shut this thing down on the 9th anniversary.  Facebook supplanted it for everyone which makes total sense.  Lately I've been saving ideas to post on facebook or duplicating things.  All the holdouts have been joining and smiller has to be next.  Hits have gone down and my ideas have run pretty dry.  Looks like we are about to start another cycle of luxury lofts and condo dreams and it's just depressing and my ranting does nothing whatsoever.  It feels like it's just limping along and I don't get a lot of enjoyment out of it.  So, maybe there's about a month left. I want to have a farewell party kinda.


  1. keep posting! I'd rather talk/read about the Monte Carlo here than on Facebook. Posts on your blog can be talked about for a week or more, whereas facebook posts get lost after a day.
    I actually get most of my Sacto related news from here.

    Long live Heckasac!

  2. I agree with Davy! I get a ton of news here that I would never see otherwise. I don't use Facebook, and let's face it, I can never start again because my words in SN&R will live forever. Plus, nine years? You should at least make it ten!

  3. I'll think about it. I know I periodically I don't want to say threaten but declare this, but I mean it more this time than any other time. It's more just because I don't feel that inspired

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    TL;DR. LOL. ;0) FBK FRVR.

  5. In beertawk, CH and DP went to Logsdon Brewery in Hood River and sounds like it was awesome. I am going to buy a case of their Saison Bretta. Pangaea might have some bottles and they have it on draught right now. One of the great beers in the world.

  6. I HATE that Facebook is the default for having discussions about anything and am trying to be better about communicating directly with people, etc. Don't give up, Beckler!!

    But yes, we went to Logsdon Farmhouse last Friday and it was great! They run the whole operation out of this cute farmhouse in the rolling hills under Mt. Hood. It really gives you an appreciation of how much work it is to run a small brewery, but also how much local resourcing is involved. It's fantastic to really get that sense of community, and to feel good about the $20 you are spending on a single bottle of beer.

    And their beer is fucking delicious. Highlight of the tasting room was the progression of saison, saison bretta, oak aged saison bretta, and then saison bretta on tap.

  7. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Did you try the Boulevard saison brett on Friday? It's dry hopped and a bit different than the Logsdon, but quite good. I was able to get an oak-aged SB Logsdon in Berkeley; I'll try to bring it on Wednesday to the deejay night.

    Please, don't kill the blog. FB is a mess and I am only on it twice a year during Baconfest-promo seasons ... don't ever kill this blog!


  8. aww. You've got to make it to 10 years!

  9. NM, you and Rob popped about one million bottles so I'm not sure what I had. Most of it was delicious except that Saison de Lente which was very puzzling, terrible and nothing like a Saison de Lente. Me and Fritz immediately rejected it.


  10. CH, I guess Scott poured you at Saison Bretta a while ago and you loved it. I can never remember what beers I've tried

  11. I like checking Heckasac at work while I'm waiting for my arcane UNIX commands to process. If it's on FB, that ain't gonna work for me. And now I reckon I gotta try this fancy beer you speak of soon. Surely now you must not quit blogging.

    I missed the chance to comment yesterday about the best kind of enchilada, because I respectfully disagree and assert that enchiladas if the style of Apatzingan are the best.

  12. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I've never had Bruery's Lente. Now I don't have to. This never would've happened on FB!


  13. Anonymous1:47 PM

    9 more years!
    9 more years!
    9 more years!

  14. Saison De Lente is sometimes awesome. It usually ages interestingly. When were we talking enchiladas rick? I you sure you weren't checking heckachiladas.blogspot.com? I agree with Apatzingan

  15. I'm actually fairly convinced that wasn't Saison de Lente in that bottle! It tasted like Piraat or some such wack strong Belgian golden shit.

  16. I'll believe we're entering a new cycle of luxury lofts and condo dreams when the Skyscraperpage Sacramento forum starts getting a lot of message posts again.

  17. Don't quit!! Maybe don't feel pressure to post everyday, but don't quit! Please?

  18. Anonymous10:14 AM

    There was plenty of Logsdon Seizon Bretta at Pangaea when I was there on Wednesday.


    P.S.: By the ninth season of The Office, Jim and Dwight had become best friends. You haven't quite jumped that shark yet.
