Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Spend some time with this feature. This is the most entertaining food feature I have read in a long. So many things. Cookie salad. A Mormon dish made with pasta and coolwhip. The fact that in Oregon the #11 search is vegan gravy. Dishes with Snickers in them. So good.


  1. frog eye salad and snickers salad sure do rank highly, weird.

  2. Smoked salmon reminds me of the holidays so much. And thanks to that article I know its called hot smoked. When I first had lox it totally confused me.


  3. Elianna12:24 PM

    Hi Beckler - Can we use your photos from the Sacramento Thanksgiving Day Ride in our CBS This Morning piece about Thanksgiving exercise? Would really appreciate it. Please let me know asap! Thanks! Elianna

  4. Hi Elianna-
    I'm not sure how the organizers feel about publicity so no, sorry!
