Monday, September 16, 2019

Restaurant closure

I LOVE Co Do Deli, especially their Mi Quang noodles. I consider these to be an iconic Sac dish, and the best example of this in Sac that I've had. The place is usually crowded, and a lot of folks are getting this dish.

HOWEVER, when I tried to go the other day it had been closed by the health department. Looking on line it may still be closed right now. It was inspected on 9/13 and closed, and reinspected the next day and still closed.

The culprit? Cockroaches. In April they got a conditional pass, but then cleaned up for later in April. In that case it was some minor improper temp. items.

I wonder if I can go back?? I want to but I don't know how I can not think about this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I haven't been back to Carolina's since the roach thing, but then again, I was never a huge fan of Carolina's the begin with. It does seem a little unfair to get sited and closed for cockroaches, and then inspected the very next day expecting the situation to be fixed. Or were they just looking for steps taken, like those gross little boxes set around the kitchen?

  3. The fancy-ass Firehouse in Old Sac also recently got closed for cockroaches. I myself am not fancy, but I am a little squeamish. I get back on the Co Do horse

  4. Wow, what an eloquent comment of mine above. Jeez
