Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thanksgiving Appetite Enhancement Ride 2006

Thanksgiving Appetite Enhancement Ride 2006
Originally uploaded by pinkboi.

I finally found some photos of that thing I can't talk about. I'm in this picture so there's a hint if you don't know who I am. I don't know the guy who took this but he also has awesome pictures of his dog in a santa outfit


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    You're the dude in the bowtie and stunners, right?

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Holy crap, the "thing" has gotten so big

  3. this picture was taken from space.

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    On the far upper right corner, you can barely see Katy discussing her plans to become Japan's #1 country & western singer.

  5. whoa. thanks anonymous. i didnt see myself and figured i was just in line for more cider.
