Thursday, October 06, 2011


Nooooo!!! But I just got my card! And I was about to write my first thing for the 420 section of the SNR!


Anonymous said...

Such bullshit. People getting stoned is gonna save
our economy like WW 2 did. Fact.

Anonymous said...

Such a bummer. I was thinking last night how pleased I was the county was actually getting some taxes off me in a way I can fully support. Its like paying part of my own salary.


beckler said...

that's a stony thought, dude

Anonymous said...

I can't stop thinking that a Pynchonian conspiracy is lurking behind this move, as in it's an overkill to shut down the dispensary Prairie opened up with Isaiah Two Four, so that Brock can come back from the half-dead and couple with Frenesi. The whole thing makes me feel very Zoyd in the morning. Pass the Froot Loops, please.


Anonymous said...

Question: Would you stop the DEA's raids on Oregon medical marijuana growers?

Answer: I would because I think our federal agents have better things to do, like catching criminals and preventing terrorism. The way I want to approach the issue of medical marijuana is to base it on science, and if there is sound science that supports the use of medical marijuana and if it is controlled and prescribed in a way that other medicine is prescribed, then it's something that I think we should consider.

--2008 interview with a Senator from Illinois.

Anonymous said...

"...if it is controlled and prescribed in a way that other medicine is prescribed, then it's something that I think we should consider."

And there's no question that buying 'Skunk Butt' from the Bob Marley Memorial Collective is -just- like getting some antibiotics from the Rite Aid pharmacy.


Anonymous said...

My dying brother needs skunk butt from the Bob Marley Memorial Collective much more than he needs antibiotics which aren't going to do a damn thing for him. It is better therapy for him to lose the short term memory of his decaying muscles.


beckler said...

Yeah, I was just gonna chime in and say that you can laugh at the medical aspect but I've talked to two people recently with chronic insomnia who are getting great sleep because of medical pot instead of having to be on something lame like Ambien. You can't go to your drug dealer and say "I want something that will help me sleep, but won't make me groggy", but you can tell your budtender that! Yes, I hate the term budtender too.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong- I support legalized medical marijuana (and 100% legal MJ for that matter).

But in the quote above, Obama is clearly going out of his way to distance himself from the types of dispensaries currently operating in Sac, so rapping him for a perceived inconsistency on the issue isn't really fair.


Anonymous said...

The Prez gave himself some wiggle room there for sure, but that makes me wonder if the "Drug War, Forever!" forces in the DOJ think that Obama is too weak politically to oppose them or if the Prez has decided that kicking hippies is teh awesome after all. And is it just a coincidence that Eric Holder is under fire for the Fast and Furious scandal?

In other words, "A screaming comes across the sky..."
