Tuesday, March 14, 2017

stock image fun

I'm doing some mandatory online trainings, and of course there are some pretty good stock images.
This one is about difficult people. There is a lot of truth in there. Good thing I am never difficult, ha. They strongly delineate between whining and complaining.
That sweater should be gripe #1
Huh, they say complainers can be useful when you need critical thinking. I'm more of a whiner. According to this course, they are never useful.
"Blamers have the worst quality of whiners and complainers". So blaming is the worst of all!
"Complainers may become blamers when they think they are being ignored" I'm getting confused!


Cody said...

Can you be all three? I'm pretty sure I'm all three.

Anonymous said...

Why is stock workplace photography always so pornoish?
-- Patrone

beckler said...

Like that last still for Office Cream Pie Gang Bang?

beckler said...
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DJ Rick said...

Patrone, it does really strike me as pornoish now that you mention it. They're filled with actors who couldn't get real acting jobs.

I've seen some amazing photos here at LN. It's also striking how diverse demography is so ridiculously tokenistically represented.

Scott Miller said...

I work with a total whiner.