There is a crazy, crazy show TONIGHT with pop legends (ha, I just wrote poop legends. easily amused.)
The Homosexuals and English Singles. 802 Villanova Dr. It will start at seven for real
Spring is here! Yay!

Here are random jumbled pictures from the show. Don't blame me, blame blogger and it's stupid way of uploading photos.

I bet you didn't know that Grace Slick and Billy Idol are bros. The secret to their bond is that they are both total assholes who only care about money.

Did you ever notice that Bono and Billy Idol look kind of alike? I saw U2 on the Zoo Station tour and I can say with confidence that the rendition of Pride (in the name of love) was exactly what it was like when they did it at Arco. That's one of the best stadium rock songs ever.

I tried to steal a good photo of Nico from JH's facebook, but it's tiny.

Those blue eyes were so creepy.
More pictures at my flickr page:
What a fun show!
I heard the reason that Bono and Billy Idol have the same glasses is because Bono gave his to a downtrodden myopic African, so he had to borrow Billy's.
True Story.
I heard that the real story is that Bono broke his glasses while he was making out with Naomi Campbell.
There was another Halloween show??? Bummed...Let me in the loop next time, please, people!
Does anyone have an IBM Seletric trypwriter that I can use for about 30 seconds? I need that font for a bit.
I heard Grace Slick tried to fuck Billy Idol and broke his glasses so he had to borrow Bono's. Or was it that Grace Slick was trying too fuck Bono and broke his glasses?
Grace Slick was trying to fuck Bono with Billy Idol's glasses. It was a heavy scene.
Sorry Rick.
confirmation word: weadmam
That is the official title of gbomb's trip to Amsterdam, dogs!
I drank so much tequila to cure me of stage fright that I missed the other bands. bummer.
~the news
let's give it up for huey lewis and the news! they were the surprise hit of the show.
Groovy party, man. Haven't been that drunk in a few days, it was good to be back in the bottle. And good to have everyone's $3.50, my shrimp shit later that night was deeeeeelicious!
(And by shrimp shit, I don't mean Marty Balin's cock, although I tried.)
I hope there is a pic of Huey Lewis! Best.
hey, what number halloween show is this? i may sell out our sacred ritual by mentioning it in the news and review this week, so i need facts. also, what is gbomb's address so i can print it? j.k.
If you can remember how many Halloween shows there have been, you weren't there!
I'm not sure if I have this right...
1994: Punk
1995: New Wave
1996: Metal
1997: Junky Bands
1998: British Explosion
1999: Girls, Glam, and Goth
2000: International
2001: Family
2002: no show?
2003: Anything
2004: no show?
2005: The '90s
2006: Coke Bands
2007: no show
April 2008: Yacht Rock
March 2009: Blockbuster Bands & Classic Albums
I did get it wrong. I think this is right:
1994: Punk
1995: New Wave
1996: Metal
1997: Junky Bands
1998: British Explosion
1999: Girls, Glam, and Goth
2000: International
2001: Family
2002: no show??
2003: Anything
2004: The '90s
2005: Coke Bands
2006: no show
2007: no show
2008: Yacht Rock
2009: Blockbuster Bands & Classic Albums
Wow, I think you're right. Also, you weren't there!
Weirdest - the no themed one at Metro.
Least bands - 90's at Amy P's.
Only one I missed - metal. Because fuck metal.
Some of the date/year weirdness is from the "near Halloween" shows morphing into "anytime between one Halloween and the next."
there is the year of metro and one at joels house.
And one year there was two, right?
So is Halloween a house party, where all your friends dress up -- or is it a more public venue that just isn't widely publicized? Maybe I'm asking a "six of one, half dozen of the other" question here. But why else read heckasac if not for pondering fine distinctions?
Yeah, the no theme/anything show was at Metro and the Nineties one was at Joel's.
The only ones I missed were the Family one and the Metro show. I feel old now.
Jeff, it started at the Loft. And being a bunch of snotty cliquey people that us Loft folks are, we started doing it at house parties once the Loft went belly up.
I have a Huey pic, though I was far away.
Thanks Guphy! Man, why did we drop the ball in '06 and '07? What was the year that it was 90's at the Joel's house? Remember DP's Weiland?
Jeff, as far as I know, the Halloween show has always been word of mouth. It is mostly the same group of friends and friends of friends. Loftovers. The most public place it was at was Espresso Metro -- which ruled! I was way into it! Remember Tom Waits!? What about the Pep Pep Peppers!?
Loftovers. That's a good one. Well, kudos for keeping the social network together all these years. I've shunned all the people I grew up with, which is probably why I'm so full of anger and angst.
Anyway, does anyone here look at Sac press? Have you noticed that the Mayor and his advocates post there a lot? He has something up right now about march madness. I wonder if he is posting in other forums.
How does this strike y'all?
(I know, politics, bleh, but kj fascinates me the more I watch him. I envy someone like m. breton who gets to cover him full-time).
In 2006 Joel became Cat Stevens-Prime and perfomed for 30 magical minutes. I do believe it was in October too. Could that count? Halloween Lite?
I believe that the same year as the one at Metro, there was one at the loft too (that I didn't go to) where the Rollins Band played. Am I making this up? And if, I'm not who else played? Was there a theme?
The double year was "Solo artists" & then one with out a theme.
Solo artists:
Henry and the Rollins Brothers
Lenard Cohen
and two others
At metro The four eyes did Buckner and Garcia, there was a CCR, Trsiha Offer did this weird chanting thing. Tom Waits, the Peps.
At joel's house there was Hole, an Alt Rock cover band, Beat Happening.
There should only be two gaps if memory serves.
Oh shit biz, I think you're right. Was it something like Soriano wasn't gonna do one that year so the Metro one got planned & then he decided to do one? I have no memory of the Rollins Band playing. Actually, scratch that, I have a perfectly clear false memory of Joel as Rollins.
Oh, OK, Charles cleared that up. Was that when Morgan was Leonard Cohen? That was pretty great.
Well, I now believe there are three gaps. The only way to solve this gap issue is to double up a few years in a row so the average works out. Should we try to do one at Halloween this year?
so is that 13 or what? i need facts, here. god, the cat stevens one is both embarrassing and magical for me to think about. i believe my singing was probably drowning out joel at some points. speaking of cat stevens, smiller got to sing a chorus of "wild world" (or is it wide world?) with bruno from the homosexuals last night!
Coke bands was in December 05 so the 2006 gap is somewhat understandable. Was there no show in 2007 becasue there was no venue? Probably.
Oh yeah, if anyone happens to have a picture of me singing last night I'd really like to see it!
There was no show in 2007 because it got pushed forward to Spring 2008 (Yacht Rock). I'm pretty sure Coke Bands was 2005. There was no show in 2006 because there was no place to have it and no one wanted to take charge. I think there was speculation that it could have been at Fool's Foundation, but that didn't work out.
I totally forgot about Solo Artists. Leonard Cohen was great.
I think that one was Halloween 2002, so that takes care of one of the gaps.
yeah, I read Sacramento Press. It's a good resource. I think it started out strong and the coverage has been a little weaker lately. It's interesting that the mayor answers back to stuff.
man, i couldnt even begin to remember all of those halloween shows. good work from the Memory Department.
-Ed C.
confirm word= DOTHIC-An Amish Goth?
-- Patrone
verification: "pooldam". Very bathhousey.
I have some stuff on the back burner for sac press, but nick miller keeps talking me into writing for him. Journalism, the cut-throatiest biz!
I've been to the sac press office. It's cool, and they let writers check out digital recorders and stuff. Something to entice writers, since they don't pay. I don't care, since I have a bullshit day job, but god, isn't a writer's life tough enough, we got to do it for free now? (what am I bitching about? I'm a fucking blogger, I killed the newspapers). Anyway, you should toss the press a bone now and then , b. You're a damn good writer, and that's what the press sorely needs.
I wanna be a Loftover, too.
Talk About Charles: A solution to our discussion the other night. How about a show where the theme is simply Metallica? There could be Mustaine-era, Cliff era, Post-Cliff Era, No Bass Era, No Hair Era, Kirk Goes to College Era, Therapy Era, Post-Therapy Era, St. Awful Era, etc. Just a thought.
In order to be a Loftover, you need to send Scott Soriano a money order for $149.95 for 12 monthly payments and fill out a 27 page application. He'll let you know if you're accepted between 6-8 years from now. No refunds for dismissal or approval.
I am so glad that I have found my Sac Press venting platform.
1. Tried 3 times to register to make comments. Couldn't. Is this a firefox thing? - FU
2. David Watts Barton writes a article about how nicknames shouldn't be allowed as commenters. Uh, FU. My nickname IS my name plus it's super uncommon, so it's always me and maybe I don't want my boss to know my political views. So again, FU
3.3.3. I forgot what three was for.
4. - I think it's funny when DWB edits in the comments. haha. weird
5. They added me as a friend on Facebook. Dude I don't know you or if I do, let me know who you are anonymous nickname! FU!
I want to put forward the motion that Huey Lewis won the Halloween show. He had tough competition, Bono, Billy,Mick, Lou, Nico and Grace, but Huey was the winner. The Summer Of The Power Of Love!!!!!!
Was International in 2000? Did I live here then? I know the first Halloween show I was in we were Siouxsie and the Banshees and it was at the loft so that could have worked in that theme. All I know is I made 'leather' pants out of hefty bags and have never sweated so much in my life. Also, how could you forget the Beastie Boys at Joels? I still have my track suit.
ps. Huey was good, but Billy stole my heart!
DP, who would be the winner for each year?
1999: Girls, Glam, and Goth: Bikini Kill? Runaways?
2000: International: Men at Work
2001: Family : Van Halen
2002: Solo Artists: Leonard Cohen
2002: Anything: Tom Waits
2004: The '90s: Hole
2005: Coke Bands: the Police
2008: Yacht Rock: Toto
2009: Blockbuster & Classic Albums: U2
Has anyone ever broken the headlining jinx(i.e. if you headline your too drunk to be the best)
Bikini Kill - worst Halloween band ever.
Toto - nice try voting for yourself. I believe a little band called the Grateful Dead won that one - breaking the headline jinx.
Oh yeah, jamattack, it was technically "No U.S. no U.K." - I can barely rememebr who played - Undertones did. Who else? Was Bushwick Bill somehow in that one (one of the BEST Halloween things ever). Maybe ABBA?
Agreed! Huey Lewis and the News ruled it. Surprise hit!
By the way, if you want to know who coined the term "Loftover", I'll give you a few hints:
1. He isn't one.
2. His name is Jonah.
What was the band that did "Leader of the Pack" at the Metro show? Whoever they were, they were some tough ladies.
Bikini Kill was the worst. The worst. It would've been better an hour before, but it wasn't. At least I chipped up my front teeth in penance when I fell off the drum kit with a mic in my mouth. Kathleen Hanna is no Lux Interior.
I'm bummed that I got scooped on introducing the term loftover to the masses. Look for it in the news and review this week.
What year was x-ray spex? That was really good. Also, Chili Peppers
Oh yeah, I think Tom Waits has been the best Halloween band ever.
Slusher killed it as Poly Styrene!
Tom Waits nearly made me cry. No joke. By the way, this year was the most sober Halloween show ever.
who else did slusher portay? cant think of it, but i remember playing drums for it-lots of black clothing. same year as the men at work gig?
-Ed C
Who did Tom Waits? All of those years away from Sac, missing these epic shows, now I'm back in Sac and still missing all of these shows. Sadness.
verification: busses. nothing to say, just an great word.
Me, conway, gillie and Maddie were the shangra-la's and we killed it.
We were tough, and drunk, and in character.
Tom Waits was amazing. I've never seen the actual Tom Waits before, but Joel's version has to be better. Joel, Hillary on saw, Daven, about 8 people or so? I watched a bit of a live Tom Waits documentary and 2 hours of that guy would kill me.
I was Kelly Slusher for Halloween, but not at a Halloween show. I reckoned she'd think it was funny or she'd kill me. Maybe she bashed my head in when I left that Loft show?
Did Slusher do Joan Jett?
Slusher, paris, Woodhouse and Ed C. where Joan Jett and it smoked. Woodhouse in cop glasses? forget about it! (where was the douche this year? Did the troublemakers play in spain again?)
Toto beat the Dead in record sales and in loftover grammy awards. period.
Also, it is the most un-Dead like thing to try to claim that the dead where the best band that year.
ps. I'll change my yacht rock year vote to Hall and Oats.
verify... biere
isn`t that flanders or wallon for BEER..
right-it was joan jett.
Ed C
Woodhouse was at southby, duh!
P.S.-did you know that Mickey Hart was responsible for inflicting Tibetan throat singing onto the masses? OK, it does sound kind of cool.
Charles, why do you continue to deny the truth; The Dead won the Yacht Rock Show. Perhaps you don't remember a certain Doo Dah Man who clearly stated
" there the greatest fuckin' band in the world maaan!!" several times. Can you really argue with the Doo Dah Man?
Here's my list Charles:
1999: Girls, Glam, and Goth: Marylin Manson
2000: International:INXS/Bushwick Bill
2001: Family : Van Halen
2002: Solo Artists: Leonard Cohen
2002: Anything: Tom Waits/ChiPeps
2004: The '90s: STP!!!!
2005: Coke Bands: the Police/Oasis/Heart
2008: Yacht Rock: THE DEAD!!!!!!!!
2009: Blockbuster & Classic Albums: U2/Huey Lewis
1998 was such a clusterfuck -- there were like 500 bands, most with out of town dudes, all of whom stayed with us at U St. One of them clogged Miller's toilet with magazine pages used as tp, my $4 bottle of gin was swiped, couples screwing inches from the OTHER clogged toilet. Like Sodom & Gomorrah, but with strangers bumming cigarettes from you.
-- Patrone
The 90's shows were
Punk, New Wave, Metal, British Invasion, not sure of the years.
I think the Talking Heads were the best band of these shows with the Go's Go's getting honorable for mumbling and adorableness. I missed the Metal show. What about the Junkie show? Did The Mary Chain win that? Or was it the Vasalines?
I remeber 98 as Sodom and Gomorah but with Margaux bumming cigarettes from you?
why can't I remember the 90s show????
Because you were there!
I'm sad I missed the Halloween show. Could have pulled off a real sweet ABBA if it weren't for my trip to SXSW. I don't ever wanna let that happen again. Anybody film this one?
Did Personal and the Pizzas take southby by storm?
I just realized there aren't any pictures of ZZ Top, who clearly won the prestigious "best drest" category. What's up with that?
way to spell,bro
You are a real sharp cookie Anonymous. Please don't ruin the use of bro for the rest of us, bre.
ChiPeppers was really inspirational at the Metro show. And while Toto was super rad, I really have to agree that the Dead stole the night at that one. Sorry Charles.
Personal and the Pizzas went over really frickin well at SXSW. People were singing along and showing off their pepperonis (just the dudes, we're not Bon frickin Jovi here). It kinda blew me away. Needless to say I had a great time. I wanna get something together at Luigis in the near future. Maybe with one of Miller's joke bands like the English Singles or one of those creative singer songwriter bands like the Four Eyes. Too bad Charles doesn't do joke bands anymore. Oh and clearly the best bands at last years show were: Carole King and Hall & Oates, the Dead were pretty tight too, but I got so high I barely remember anything except playing in front of the pyramids. Bra!
that's true, carol king was awesome. but heart was the real surprise. that's when amber busted on the scene in a big way.
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