My photos of the bike ride are hopelessly out of order, so I might as well start with this:

OK, I lied. Never a do.
Obviously a do.

Suede chaps. As chaps go, these are tasteful.

This bekilted guys nametag said "hello my name is: Trouble" and I would probably agree.
Naked chicks? Always a do.

Cool Breeze!
This guy's whole outfit was good. He had on some type of orangey saddle shoes, if I remember correctly.

Paparazzi shot of Ryan and his lady of the cool sweater.
Guy in weird body armor talking to Baxter...
and Biggert

art car!
Groundchuck. Always a do.
goes without saying

Click on the picture to see her Grateful Dead tat. Do.

That is a dread wig. I dread that wig.

nice photos!
Did you make these for a snack?
I like McCrea's dogs.
I love that picture of Vanoni!
Nice pics, sums it up well. tjose chaps totally freaked me out when I first noticed them. well done sir, who ever you are. nice pic of scott robertson: the pug man- too.
Also-the stony Sierra Nevada dude with rainbow pantalones in picture 1 can't be beat. check his pockets for the kind, quick!
Ed C
Did you notice that later in the afternoon Scott's pugs were wearing matching orange parkas? Awesome!
The Baxter-Biggert-Armor Bro trifecta is killing me. Imagine that conversation!
-- Patrone
Mr. "My Name is Trouble" in the kilt is none other than Light Rail Pub Crawl creator Scotty!
That's him? I had no idea. Good thing I wasn't talking up the lightrail pubcrawl that gbomb originated.
That is Sacramento fashion in all it's weird glory.
-olivia it me, or is Biggert recording the conversation? Genius!
-- Patrone
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