Friday, December 31, 2010
we're not in Kansas anymore
Monday, December 27, 2010
This is always the time of year when things get slooowwwww on the blog. I'm not at work all week. Here's my Zelda's post on Slice. I struggled with this one and got my first version rejected! But the editor was right. I am just not used to writing reviews where I have to focus so intensively on one thing, and I keep trying to sneak in other stuff and the editor keeps taking it out. She didn't use a picture of the spinnocoli I took that I really like, so I will post it when I am in office.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
did not tweet the rage
Friday, December 17, 2010
LOL tastic
dueling shows
Midnite Snaxxx features Tina "Boom Boom" Lucchesi, chiefly of The Trashwomen and Bobbyteens fame, but was also in a ton of other rad bands. Most recently, she was in Top Ten and C'mon Everybody (you might remember them from their pulse-pounding, fun-packed set at the Delta of Venus in Davis during KDVS "Treehouse" host DJ Emily's birthday party); and she's the proprietor of Down at Lulu's, an East Bay epicenter of fabulous hairstyles, clothes, and records (many fans of Hunx know something about this). The Snaxxx also feature Dulcinea, who totally slayed in The Loudmouths back in the 90s, of whom I was quite the fanboy. Their merger with a reformed The Lewd was The Lewdmouths, and their show at Club Cocodrie in SF was one of the very best blasts from the original punk heyday I've ever seen.
English Singles descend from Sacto rulers of years past, too: Bananas, Nar, FM Knives, Yahmos, Pretty Girls.
I don't know if the Wrong Words dudes 'n lady were in other bands before, but when you hear them, the only thing that will matter will be the Wrong Words. Their 7" on Trouble in Mind is a cracker, and charming, too. Some people around here have whispered to me that the Bare Wires sound really good, but seem kinda like a big put-on. Okay, trashtalkers...maybe you's just bummin' 'cos you don't like to hitch up to bandwagons when too many others are already on. Well, go ahead and get in the front of the bus for Wrong Words 'cos you're gonna love this band. I defy you to resist this, huh...
Wrong Words "What Went Wrong" music video from Chris Anderson on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
this again?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Possum Living

Friday, December 10, 2010
Pauline Kael Friday
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Brazilian blowout!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
dribs and drabs
Monday, December 06, 2010
glass ceiling
For the band's upcoming EP, Olivares wrote lyrics by filling his notebooks with phrases from the Whole Earth catalog.
"It's just a huge catalog, from the '70s, '80s and early '90s, and they have everything, A through Z, about where to order books on how to build your own geodesic dome or how to survive in the wild or how to have sex or grow 'shrooms."
Olivares says he fits phrases pried from the WE catalog, like "glass ceiling," with others until it "sounds like a cool song."
The MidMo party was sooooo fun that I didn't take pictures (or text anyone) because I was enjoying myself. Here's a picture of the dessert table. I love the cover picture this month! Good job Scott and Tim and HeyLove and Karlos and Jessica.
Friday, December 03, 2010
partake of the party steak