Friday, February 28, 2020


I ate at Mulvaney's B&L last night. It might seem like I'm doing a lot of fine dining, but Tuesday at Magpie was for a birthday, and then this other dinner had been planned for a while. This dinner was funny because I forgot to make a reservation (I thought I had already done it) so we sat in the "dish room". Mulvaney's has a couple of little nook rooms back through the kitchen. I've been in the conference-room style one because that's where the Baconfest judging goes down. But he also has one in a wine storage room, and then one in the room where they store all their platters and cake stands and stuff. But it has nice lighting and they have candles and it's actually private and fun. On to the food after the jump

We started with the classic brown bread and cured salmon app that Mulvaney's always has. What can you say, homemade brown bread (that said, what is brown bread and why can I swear my family used to eat it from a can is that real?) and salmon. What was it Mae West said, "never pass up a chance to have sex or eat salmon". I have no idea who said the real quote or what it actually is you are not supposed to pass up.

I got tortellini stuffed with beef, may have been short ribs? These were large, don't think of the average tortellini size. Very heart and just the right amount of beef. He serves a rib eye for $50, and I'm sure it's a perfect rib eye, but I didn't want that much meat.
Then, dessert. I love any kind of rice pudding. This had toasted coconut and kiwi, served in a coconut shell. Great service, nice evening out.

1 comment:

beckler said...

And speaking of Patrick Mulvaney, his "I got your back" mental health support plan is in this Eater article about the national trend of restaurants tuning in to their worker's morale and mental health:

So if you are planning a nice night out, that's just one more reason to consider Mulvaney's