English Singles sounded great last night! I was too tired to watch the other bands. The Summer Cats had some great merch. Good tshirts with cats on them. Speaking of cats, check out that specimen below:

She is bad! Badder than you can imagine. Constantly wilding out all over the house. On a mission to destroy all our lovely house plants. She is ruining Steve's life and now Steve basically lives outside. But isn't she a widdle cutie?
Let me tell you about the fritatta of the gods. OK, it's just an easy frittata (I'll just change the spelling each time until I get it right), but it was delicious, and it's a really good dish to make to get rid of any excess garden production. Saute an onion for 3-5. Then a few cups of whatever chopped vegetable. I used crookneck squash, zucchini, and chard. Scramble 2-4 eggs and pour them over the top. As they set, sprinke some herb (I used basil) on the top, and a layer of parmesan. As the bottom starts to set, put the skillet in the oven on broil for 2 or 3 minutes, just until the cheese melts.

Serve with sliced baguette. So good!