So what about that Derek Nielsen guy, huh? Good luck ever getting a show for your band, dude, because you just slammed one of the only guys who bridges every scene in Sac.
The Doug Biggert show is mind boggling. I could have looked at the sandal shop wall part forever. Do not miss this show!
There are rival shows tonight. Knock Knock at Luigis and some unpronouncable bands at The Hub. That flyer is pretty darn good. Here's the lineup
AFCGT (A Frames + Climax Golden Twins; Seattle) + DMPH (7" release show)+ Art Lessing & Flower Vato Quartet + Hank IV!
I heard that there's going to be an awesome DJ playing records at Bows & Arrows on Sat. evening...
When is Habeas Porpoise playing in the area next? We should all show up with headphones.
They're playing on July 25th in Davis. I would be there with a sign except I'll be out of town.
Are you sure you didn't hear that there would be an awful DJ playing on Saturday? I heard she looks like Gwyneth Paltrow if Gwyneth lived on butter sandwiches.
Too bad I'll be on the road with XYX from Mexico during that Habeas Porpoise gig....I would totally go join a heckle brigade if other people were into it.
Awesome captcha:
I love the comments that people have left on that article!!! Charles should feel very, very loved. And, heckasac, your review of the Habeas Porpoise song is 100% on target. I can't believe bands like that still exist!! Well, actually I can. They can be found in every rehearsal studio across the country...
This all seems quite clear to me...
Derek Nielsen=Asshole and an ignorant one at that. Mr. Hey-I'm-in-the-know-enough-to-get-paid-to-review-shows-and-yet-have-no-clue-who-Charles-Albright-(the hardest workin' man in Sacto show biznez )-is.
Apparently, when his daddy told him what loser meant he left out the part about how insecure and stupid it looks when you attack someone you don't know in a petty, mean way. The only thing that annoys me more than what this d-bag said is all the reads his piece is probably getting out of the shallow controversy he's drummed up.
Charles you're only allowed to eat butter sandwiches from now on. The next time you play you should give them out.
It's not like being insulted by a guy in a band called Habeas Porpoise means much.
Glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks Nielsen is a piece of work ... I posted some comments on Facebook this morning about this guy. Glad it wasn't my band ... I'm old and stuff; dude would probably have recommended euthanasia.
man, I wonder if that Nielsen guy would write for MM? he might finally give us that 'edge' we've been looking for.
by the way, jk about the djing. i am nervous about it but i think it will be fun. it's fun to think about what songs i will play, such as "hey sister" by the wind.
Oh, BTW!
The show at Hub tonight says 8:00 on the flier....WHOOOPS! It is actually 9:00, okay?
i just looked at derektheraven's myspace photos and am considering upgrading him from "asshole" to "asshole dweeb."
Ah man, that Hub show sounds really good, plus I haven't checked that place out yet, and I really want to. But Knock Knock.....hmmm. I'm torn.
I'm planning on asking somebody to text me when Knock Knock is gonna take the stage.
Jamattack! is your best bet for a pre-Knock text. She did me right at the last bananas show.
I think I am taking a night off and not go to either. Or to the Uke band playing at the Guild 3 blocks from my house for MOBS.
Sorry scene!
Just my 2 cents. Fuck Derek N. I love Charles and he was one of the first people I met when I moved here 8 years ago. Big Headphones are now the coolest thing ever. Charles should name his next band/project BIG HEADPHONES! This KID should never be allowed to write about a city he clearly does not know well. Never come to an Ancient Sons show Mr. Neilsen, as you will feel the wrath of 1,000 headphone punches to the ears as your free gift.
chris t.
Well, I sure do feel like farrah fawcett. Did anyone notice my Sound Advice bit? Crowd psychology, a complex metaphor, subtle irony, and all under 250 words. That was not easy to do!
You guys've heard this, right?
Brace yourself for a laff-riot. (Or pukefest)
Who's Derek Nielsen? Damn, I need to read old school pulp more often.
(Reading this week's Sound Advice)
Holy SHIT! I haven't seen that many comments on an online SN&R piece in... no, don't think I HAVE seen that many comments.
Now, now, take it from me, negative criticism teaches you to be vengeful and cynical, and those are important survival skills.
Oh, and Jeff, looks like somebody noticed you. About 24 commments down, somebody writes:
"You spend half the article masturbating over Zach Hill; we all know he is an amazing drummer but what about the other band members? He does a lot of different types of music, how about giving a little more description on the music instead of making up metaphors involving “crackbabies” and “sandstorms”, amusing as they may be?"
Hey, speaking of getting out more often, maybe I can contribute some of the Sound Advice dealies as an excuse for doing just that. How do I get a piece of the action on this gig? Is this like, the Masons or something?
Oh, and Jeff, to clarify, however: after reading the expanded comment, it appears that the person posting may have gotten somewhat caught up in the DN rope party and thought that it was Nielsen who wrote the Zach Hill review as well. But hey, at least he noticed, though I feel for ya, because it has kinda made you the James Brady of the comment post.
God, I have been subsumed by the fury. Like I said, the total farrah fawcett treatment. And does anyone even know how difficult -- I won't say hard -- it is to masturbate while simultaneously taking notes? greil marcus can't do it. :>
P.S., MP, just email the arts editor, Nick Miller. his contact email on the the SN&R website. You have to ask him if they pay or not for reviews, I forget. I'm wonderin', though, if SA advice is going to survive l'affaire de Nielsen.
Thanks for the 411 on Sound Advice, Jeff. And it's my understanding that, true, while Marcus couldn't pull it off, Lester did it with routine regularity. Way to roll, G.
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