OK, the first rule of the lamb festival is that there's no lamb at the lamb festival. There are sheep, and there is wool, and there are yarn nerds, and there are nachos, but there is no lamb to purchase and eat. As long as you remember that rule, you'll get along with the lamb festival.

Got wool? This was the first wool nerd we spotted.

Here are a bunch more.

Then we watched the sheepdog competition, which was cool. This dog had just finished herding the hell out of some sheep and was taking a dip. The little girl is saying, "everyone said your dog wasn't very good, but I think he did a good job".

The only lamb to eat was free samples from the cook-off. This was teriyaki marinated lamb.

Shorn bunnies. They had lots of nicks and cuts and looked pretty miserable.

More wool nerdery. There was a lot of wool judging going on, and people guessing the conditions that the sheep were raised in by the dirt markings on the wool.

Oooh...look at that wool!

One of the only SHEEP there (notice I didn't say lamb).

Then, we (the royal we) headed to Operation Restore Maximum Freedom 8.

Hot young kids G. Green played and were quite good. I guess that guy on the right (who was hilarious) is in high school! I heard that he couldn't go to the !!! show because it was 21 and over but that his mom went!

I missed most of the Four Eyes due to a veggie burger debacle. But I did catch their agonizing (I mean uplifting) version of Keep On Rockin' In The Free World.

Then I shopped at the pop-up cassingle store. Check that Iceman cassingle. He's 40,000 years old! Also, look for the California Innovations cassingle out now.

The Mantles totally brought on the Fall during their set. It was a harvest moon, the wind came up, and leaves started to blow. I thought I had better pictures of them. Oops. Their album is super good!

This is the crowd dancing to MOM.

Good old MOM.

Then it was time to rush to the Dreamdate/Knock Knock show at Sophias.

I'm running out of adjectives, but Dreamdate were ON. Yea-Ming was doing some shredding on the guitar.

Knock Knock was reliably great of course. Al was too busy partying backstage with the Mantles to really focus on rocking, but other than that I loved it.

What a day!
If you're lucky you'll score the collectable version of "Iceman" where the b-side isn't blank!
the quality control at the cassingle factory is for shit. they're union, so they know they can't get fired.
look, in these tough economic times we just can't afford the manpower needed to check the hundreds of tapes we produce each day. We stand by our policy of "no refunds, no exceptions", but will gladly redub anyone's tape that may have slipped through our quality controls.
I scored a cassingle that had like twelve quarters in it!
Ninj dawg
I would just like to give thumbs up to Heather who danced her ass off at Luigi's on Friday. Who knew that guitar was holding her real talent back? I've never felt so much joy while watching a band. Congratulations to Knock Knock for becoming my new favorite band of all time, sorry Knightmares. But just so you know, you could still creep your way back to the front if you ever play again.
Wow...I thought I had a funpacked Saturday, but you guys went all out...triple-dip!
Walkman spotted on Bus 51 two weeks ago while I was back for things..
Verifyin` Word.. policke
Pollardville Communist..
I second the applause for Heather's dancing. She was on fire!
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