Before brew awareness, found footage festival awareness.
My interview is in the SNR today. Those guys are really funny, and the show is HILARIOUS. You HAVE TO go. FOR REAL. I didn't know until I interviewed them that they discovered the angriest man in the world. I had already seen this video. Have you seen it? Here it is, but be warned, it contains the most cursing possible. Get advance tickets
Sac Brewing Co. (who recently won a bronze medal at the Great American Beer Fest!) have a Allagash Brett beer on tap. I hesitate to call it a sour because it's barely tart. They describe it as a "Belgian-inspired blonde that is fermented with Brett for an earthy and aromatic contribution". I also really liked the Sac Brew Abbey Extra. Tasty. It's a Belgian-inspired single.

The Goodwill by Maalouf's has a ton of boots on sale, some kind of regional boot blowout, including Frye boots. They especially have a lot of men's boots. We saw this car in the parking lot. This bumper sticker cracks me up.

oh yeah, and what about La Bonne Soup? Crazy. It was on the news last night!
what and dad's kitchen was sold and ricksha is closing?!?!?!?!? where is scott supposed to eat lunch?
oh man, there's an annoying yelp thread about la bonne, but josh fernandez's comment is perfect
ha! i'll just keep commenting until someone else does. looks like dad's kitchen was doing well, but was too much work so they sold it and kept dads
Ricksha? No! It's only a matter of time before June's closes - leaving me with Gam Lei Sig & Waffle Square.
Oh man, I'm gonna go eat a Dad's Burger every day while I still can! Best damn burger!!
Word: "emoria": Land of the emos!
man, that part of town is officially economically depressed.
not rickshaw. anything but rickshaw! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's up with La Fiesta? I went there anx found it boarded up. Where am I supposed to get my moth burritos now?
Da ninj
So bummed about Ricksha. It's a Sac institution!
So what's left on that block in Sachinatown? Sno-cones and a half-way house?
A car crashed through the front door of Fiesta right in to the counter when it was open & somehow nobody got hurt! I read they were gonna be closed for 2 weeks.
But I just decided that Dads Kitchen was my neighborhood place.
-Natalie #1 LPB.
somebody bought it and it's already reopened.
What is it now?
Speaking of neighborhood places, the OP starbucks closed down and I guess it's gonna be an Old Soul. Oh how I hope and pray.
Word on the street is that Orphan on 35th and C is really good. It's the bottom feeder from the Naked Lounge's place.
I'm still in deep mourning for Wakano Ura. Now Ricksha? I am going to cry.
I will never stop loving you, Wakano Ura!
My children are going to need to seek therapy, if they find out about Ricksha closing. We go there more often than any other restaurant.
And I work next to Bonne Soupe - it's insane that he got in trouble and it closing down. That Subway on the corner of 7th & J is RANK and it still stays open?
I concur grrrrr. In better news I tried Orphan last weekend with my folks and it was quite tasty.
I got a text from jamattack! on Tuesday inviting me to dollar hand rolls at Riksha and I was all, like, no! I am going to Masullo, we'll do it next week.
GAH. Now, I hate myself. I am going out to buy a hair shirt, but I heard the hair shirt store is closed too! I guess I'll just slather myself in fro yo since that's the only thing that I can get on every block.
well Riksha didn't have enough TVs or girls throwing up on their tables from the servers over-serving them sake bombs any damn way.
That's right! I guzzle my sake bombs with dignity and restraint, unlike those other floozies.
Hey beckasac and heckasac readers,
Knock Knock plays at Luigis tonight (Friday) with Baby Grande and Puce Moment. Then, on Saturday, after talking about Charles' tape collection at Operation Maximum Freedom, Knock Knock plays Sophia's in Davis with Dreamdate. I guess that makes us on tour.
holy shit. Dad's Kitchen is my favorite. Is it basically staying the same with new owners, or is it becoming something else??? And don't even get me started about Ricksha. My world is crumbling around me!
word verification: outch
Here's what I've heard...
Dad's was bought by an employee and there's not really going to be any changes. Although I won't mind if they make it more consistent.
La Bonne was for sale before this happened. He wants to go to Folsom and perhaps open something there so he doesn't have to commute so much. Unfortunately, he's asking way too much money for his business.
Too bad about Ricksha! That's sad.
So he wants to sell La Bonne to someone else? He's just renting the space so buying it would mean buying the name, recipes & equipment & expecting people to still go even though one of the main attractions is gone? That seems totally insane.
Hopefully the new owners of Dad's will be able to produce a breakfast that isn't completely awful. I'd love to have a good breakfast place near our house. Or anywhere in Sac actually.
Maybe Orphan Cafe will be the answer.
P.S.-it's not by your house
P.P.S.-you live quite close to Pancake Circus
P.P.S.-also Tower Cafe. what part of "custard soaked french toast" and "wait in line for an hour" are you not into?
Does Trails serve breakfast?
Good question. Foster?
Biz: back at square one.
Boot update! I went over to that Goodwill to scope out the boots and they looked fairly picked over, but I managed to score a cute pair of no-name boots for a couple of few bucks (that's a technical term). However, if you are a dude looking for a pair of Frye cowboy boots, size 11.5, better hurry.
Yes to the craziness that is the La Bonne sale--he was asking 100K for the business and name only. I have a friend that talked to him about it. Ouch.
Lalo's has good breakfast if you're into the Mexi-fast. Also Market Club.
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