Yesterday at Rolle, Rafik (sp?) told me that the Rolle clip is on youtube, and I had never seen it. I've never tried that lentil salad, but now I'm going to. I had a chicken pate sandwich for breakfast today, and for lunch yesterday.

In the evening I had a Jack Rose cocktail at Shady Lady. It's a Calvados-based cocktail. It has house made grenadine and I guess lemon juice? I thought the internet would tell me, but Shady Lady is not internet-y. It was delicious, very citrus-y with a faint apple tinge.

Then I won the pumpkin carving contest with my hatchet girl. That's Violent J on the right.

This is such a brilliant idea for a band! It's the
rated R version of the Girls video for their song "Lust for Life" (why did they name the song that?). It's NSFW cuz Hunx's dick is used as a microphone. HOT!
take the bump it or dump it poll on the right.
Oh yeah, and Bows and Arrows is having live music tonight from 6-9 and staying open late. Two Sheds and Ross Hammond.
Holy crap and everything in the store is 25% off? That's nuts.
I am in that Cafe Rolle episode! I look like a dork.
Saw you! And Randy and Kim.
Did you hear that Shady Lady got in trouble for having live music without an entertainment permit? Who's the neighbor that finked??!?!
Also, this is the Girls' video that's really funny to me...
Guy Fieri is hardly stuffing his head with enough food in that video like he usually does.
Is Food Network still getting busted on their gluttonous hosts?
Touchez's playing at the Townhouse tonight, with Chelsea Wolfe and Paper Pistols. Show starts at 9. $5. Also, the skull pumpkin was the coolest one.
That clip is wild. I don't think they sound like early Beach Boys.
Why is the bread 3 feet thick on that sandwich? you know it will slice the roof of your mouth open. It looks like good bread though.
the sandwich probably looks bigger than it actually is. the bread was PERFECTLY toasted and not hard at all. just slightly crusty on the outside.
Were all the Sac restaurants in the same episode? I know he did Jamie's and Squeeze Inn too. Is his only Sac connection Tex Wasabi's?
The chicken pate looks really great but I felt uncomfortable about the plastic wrap going in the oven. Am I alone in this?
Shady Lady has a permit but they have super lame capacity rules. Crook will know more.
Fucking Girls....what the fuck am I doing in this goddamn town???
There...I just wrote better lyrics than the Girls.
-- Patrone
Yes Patrone, but did you sing those lyrics into a dick?
chicken pate sandwich is one of the exquisite sandwiches I have ever eaten. I understand you, I would have some of these sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and for dinner!
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