I saw on undietacos that Record Club is screening Jazz on a hot summer's day this Wednesday at 7:30 for free. It's a riveting documentary. I think I posted about it before. I first checked it out because I heard somewhere that Mick Jagger and Martin Scorsese both said it was their favorite documentary. At least that's what I remember having heard, and NBA consultants agree.
Do you know about the Ganglians/Beets show at the Hub at Sol Collective a week from tonight? It's the debut of a quirky new local band, made up of Old Man Foster, some Italian dude, a Shrugg, and Biz. They only cover All Girl Summer Fun Band songs and they are called...All Fun Summer Girl Band.
jim giuffre RIP
don't forget the dressing like riot girls part.... perhaps my favorite detail.
off the subject but very important nonetheless
Ed C
Word Verification: Perry as in Jerry
back on the subject, you made me check out the jazz on a summer's day doc and it's beyond rad. FYI tons of clips from it are on youtube.
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