This is an April fool's joke, right? Please tell me it is. The commenter that called it America Live 2.0 has it right. So "Frisky Rhythms" is now called "District 30"? I bet all you people in other cities who are reading this are jealous right now that you don't live in Sacramento. Does your stupid city have a nightclub with a fake truck with a DJ booth in it? Suck it, New York!
Let's not forget that the city has given them almost 6 million dollars for this folly. In the worst budget crisis in decades.
"The guys will have the feeling they're going out to the alley" to relieve themselves, Karpaty says.
"It's fun and silly, but I think the guys will get it," he says. The women's restrooms? They'll have "a couple of fun things as well."
Here's my input:
* A lifelike meadow, so the ladies get the sense that they're peeing in nature.
*Place the motor for the truck under the women's toilets.
*Sexy truck driver washroom attendant.
*Japanese-style toilets featuring the voice of Kevin Johnson.
wow! these are all great ideas. i think that we should email-bomb some of these developers with our ideas today in honor of April fools day. can someone else find some email addresses? i can't because i'm about to leave work early to go drink at the grad. academia!
Oh dear.
I hope that IS a joke, but if not, I suppose the older douchebag-types need a place to congregate, too. Because then maybe they'll stop going to the places I like.
That truck/DJ booth is a DJ's dream. No more "I DON'T TAKE REQUESTS!" necessary. Can't wait to see the Mayyors play there!
Maybe it's me, but calling a place Dive Bar kind of means it's the opposite of a Dive Bar.
Also, wow so this is what the city thinks is worth funding? Stupid me, if I'd been working on projects that have to do with tacky theme restaurants instead of levee restoration, maybe I'd still have a job.
So bummed that they're not gonna call the 30+ bar 'Frisky Rhythms' anymore!
But Miller, now you can call your new cover band Frisky Rhythms & get a gig there.
I think it'll all come together once we see the mermen.
here's a quote from the sacpress. sac is just not, how do you say, world class enough to have a bar named frisky rhythms:
Karpaty said he didn't want to divulge too much about the venues yet. But he did explain why he changed the dance club's name from Frisky Rhythm to District 30.
"I love the name Frisky Rhythm. I picked it. I'm going to build a bar called Frisky Rhythm — just not here," he said. "It did not receive positive feedback from people I was meeting with in Sacramento. So being a good project developer, I listened. We made a change."
Did you notice that on the ceiling, God is handing Adam a guitar?
"Adam's Blues" is gonna be epic!!
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