OK, number 1. What the hell happened to friendship tailor? The shop is totally cleaned out now. Did he really get firebombed? If so, why didn't the Bee report on it? Is this maybe just a rumor. He's pretty old.
number 2-What in the hell is up with that restaurant Tandoorie Wok? The place on 4th and J that says "brews of the world" on its sign. Is it still open? Two words: tandoori enchilada.
number 3-Why the hell did the midtown business association pay for this? Especially since they will probably be sued by Fleetwood Mac.
number 4-why the hell does the Bee always report on the agenda for an upcoming city council meeting but then not on the results of the meeting? They tell you when the meeting is happening but the next day there is no article about who voted how. I really want to know why. Sacpress is a better source by far for this information. Actually, now that I look at it, Sacpress is doing a better job of reporting on the zoo relocation and the dispute with Thomas Enterprises over how much we paid for the railyard parcel. Why is the Bee strangely mum about stuff like this?
sac press' lack of insane commenters is also very refreshing. like on the zoo article there are just a few comments discussing aspects of the article rather than a chorus of voices blaming the problems on Mexicans or the homeless.
I know the city legally has to post the agenda for city council meetings, so this info is probably easily accessible for the Bee. Perhaps this is why they publish it? My mom is a city clerk so I grew up with her posting metting agendas around our town.
The outcome of the meeting would require far more effort to report on.
As far as the tag line, I agree. Not impressed.
That Midtown logo makes me think of how so many suburban tourists frustratedly cope with Grid navigation by circling around furiously, confused by one-way streets and traffic-calming elements.
Have they never listened to the song?
Midtown, loving you isn't the right thing to do.
I was on one of the focus groups for the new logo. The winning design wasnt part of the group we were evaluating, but the fact that the group in charge of designing it were the same geniuses who came up with the "handle district" nomenclature spoke volumes about how no matter what they came up with, it would suck.
This is awesome. Mick was a badass in his drumming style.
"Why is the Bee strangely mum about stuff like this?"
Probably because their readers don't care about it. In the past, newspapers could afford to let the "boring, but important stuff" free-ride on the sports scores and national news, but unfortunately the internet has spurred the market to wring out those inefficiencies.
The SacPress is betting on the assumption that there will be a hungry market for hyper-local news in the future, and they are working hard to cultivate that market, which it needs to be said, doesn't exist yet. Localism is still a preoccupation of the early-adopter set and is tied-up with their social aspiration to distinguish themselves from "WalMart culture" or whatever you want to call it. Whether localism will spread to the broader public still remains to be seen.
Here's the Bee's Thomas Enterprises/arbitrator story: http://www.sacbee.com/2010/04/29/2713875/finally-its-5235-million.html
As for the zoo, there wasn't much news at the Hart Senior Center meeting and there won't be another community gathering till July 1. Not much to report--which is Sacpress' forte, eh? I keed, I keed. I did enjoy Cosmo's zoo/Land Park/teabagger anecdote but of course i'm biased.
But I will however commend Sacbee and Sacpress for their exhaustive Tyreke Evans coverage. To call it comprehensive would be an insult to all the scribes, photogs and editors who truly fleshed out that moment of Sacto history. Take a box.
bow. (word verification: "open me"; hahaha!)
until today i always thought the song was saying "loving you IS the right thing to do".
fft, the bee's biggest defender. i missed that thomas article. i do read online, which obviously makes it easier to miss stuff, but still i think i'm correct about how the bee is better about "the city council is voting on this tonight" than "this is what happened at the city council meeting"
that clip rules! as does mcvie's cape. foster should totally watch it.
I'm one of those people who cancelled their Bee subscription when the paper stopped reporting on the "boring but important" stuff. After being a subscriber for 18 years, it was a bummer to end it, but the Bee just got too lousy to be worth the time it took to flip through and be annoyed by the current all-scandals-and-fluff story-telling. If I wanted that I could watch local tv news.
The only reason I haven't cancelled my Bee subscription is because I'm addicted to Marcus Breton's tell-it-like-it-is, in-your-face reporting.
DP -- please tell me you agree that Buckingham's first solo lp rules, esp. "I'll Tell You Now"
-- Patrone
I watched. I'm curious what people find more appealing: Buckingham's poodle hair, Fleetwood's ridiculously overlarge kit, or Nicks so wasted that she can barely stand up let alone play the tambourine in time?
Wasted Nicks. Duh.
I've come to realize that marketing people aren't allowed to read song lyrics, much less understand them.
Are you in the mood for some cucumber brandy?
Try Las Hermanas de Nuestra Senora de los Pepinos. They make it right here in California.
--DL Chastain
K,here's the deal with the logo. I attend the mba meetings, the Midtown Merchant meetings, The Handle meetings. I am not a meeting person, but I am a business owner and so you have to go. My experience is that you can't please everyone. The MBA has money to promote midtown businesses funded largely by a PBID, but before they could do anything, they needed a LOGO. My vote was to pay Mark Kaiser to just make a rad one. Well, they bid the process. I will not even say how much fucking money they spent on it. Lucy Co & Fuel Creative group worked on it, and it was really research based. Tons of work, focus groups, interviews, data went into creating it. I was on the Branding Committee and at the end of it all I really like the logo, but more than that, I am glad that A LOGO was chosen, so we can move on to the next marketing step. No matter what, you just cannot please everyone. Midtown is way too diverse for that. Let's just roll with it people!! Next we get maps and a better website and a marketing campaign that makes Midtown a destination for people to visit and trust me, with 14 boutiques closing in just the last two years here, WE NEED IT!
Bows & Arrows
It will be easy to re-arrange the letters on those midtown posters/stickers to say, "you go away now" - the only difficult part will be changing the "R" to an "A".
Is it too late to talk about what happened to Friendship Tailor? I have the info and a pretty great story to go along with it but I realize this thread is a month old.
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