Friday, December 06, 2013

Wow Alice Munro. The nobel committee knew what they were doing here, unlike past years. C'mon, Nadine Gordimer and Doris Lessing and V.S. Naipaul? Srsly? I guess. None of those three are my faves. I like them all, Lessing probably the least.

ZUH William Golding in 1983?!? For a pretty good young adult novel? Lagerkvist,eh? I read the Sibyl and didn't have any idea her was a big dude. WEIRD book.

I digress. Alice Munro rocketed to the top of maybe my top ten list with this first book of short stories I am reading. Either she just thinks about life and people the same way I do and is kind of seeing into my head and that's why I like it, or it is just incredible. Either way, I love it. The New Yorker just printed an old story cuz of the Nobel, set in a nursing home and there is another one in the book and they are beautiful. The interrelationships of women in her stories is just beyond beyond insightful and fascinating.

Can you tell I haven't been going out much? Just posting about books and movies. I am ready to rip it up at least once this weekend. And then start again.


beckler said...

did get out to a movie with my mom and new hunger games is awesome. better than the last time. for some reason every scene with elizabeth banks or lenny kravitz made me cry

beckler said...

prolly pms

yolkie said...

I cried multiple times and I am not a crier. I thought it was very well done. I was convinced it was pms as well, but I think it might just actually pack legit emotional punch.

beckler said...

Olivia cried once too, but she is a crier and used that as proof that it wasn't that good. She cried at the Pru part.

Liv Moe said...

speaking of crying is the Munro collection you're reading achingly sad? i'm about halfway through Dear Life and had to take a break because every story ended with something fucked up or heartbreaking. excellent writing for sure but not always something i'm in the mood for..