There comes a time in some young people's lives when they discover that they have a special kind of love. It's not a love that many people share-maybe 1% of the population. It's the love that dare not speak its name:a love of Werner Herzog.

Me and Biz share this love, and we say two thumbs up for The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (or TBLPOCNO as the rabid fans call it). As always with Herzog, the backstory is just as amusing as the movie. Although the only thing it shares with the Abel Ferrera movie Bad Lieutenant is the theme of a crooked cop (hardly a unique theme), Herzog was somehow forced to use this title. He has said that he has never seen the original movie and does not know who Abel Ferrera is. Abel Ferrera hates Herzog's guts for this and has said that he wishes these people "die in Hell".
Sic Alps, Magik, Art Lessing show at the Hub tonight.
Best 80's cop movie since SupeTroopers.
Thanks for the background info. People keep asking me at the theatre and I can't quite explain the non-remake situation of it.
You work at the theater? Has anybody ever told you that it's too cold in there? You should do something about it.
Ha! A Tower employee that is not aware it's too cold in there is as rare as a Herzog fan. They are also aware that the theater is dirty and falling apart. I knew it would be cold so I wore a scarf and brought gloves. You can also buy a hot tea or coffee to help ward off the chill.
I'd just like to add CAAAAAAAGE!!!! Just when I think I've got him figured out, he goes and makes a good movie every five years or so, just to keep me guessing. I'm just fascinated with the choices he makes, in both the roles he takes and then how he approaches them. He's often lousy, but you got to admit that at least he's not lazy. He seems to always be trying something.
I'd love to do something about how cold/hot/disgusting/ridiculous the theatre is. It just wouldn't be the same though, would it? As much as I bitch about that place, the day it becomes nice will be the day my heart grows cold.
Cage gave 110% for sure in BL. It was an amzingly Cagey performance. But was it good or just Cage? Can't tell.
I failed to point out earlier that the Armeniac's first comment makes no sense.
It makes perfect sense. TBLPOCNO is clearly, in some aspects, a pastiche of 80's cop movies. The shot where the Highway Patrol lady puts one leg up on the car, straight 80's cop movie. The dialogue was utterly 80's cop movie. There were more examples of it but they escape me at the moment. Ask Barnes!
ok, I get it. sorry, if that was rude, I meant it as a joke.
Can there be "love" after The Wild Blue Yonder?
No sweat! I did misspell Super Troopers!
I just figured that was your nickname for it.
My favorite movie reviewer, Mark Kermode, interviewed Herzog. During the interview, Herzog was shot by a sniper. I find this fascinating. Here's the video.
I had no idea it WASN'T a remake. Hmmm, maybe I'm more inclined to see it now.
Biz, what's the Ferigno vehicle we always used to watch where he's the retarded cage fighter? Is it just called "Cage"? Why didn't Nicholas Cage remake that?
Yeah, it's just called "Cage" and there is a squeal, called....wait for it...."Cage 2". They're Joel's favorite movies. I just looked them up and the second one isn't even available on DVD yet. Shame.
Cage staring in "Cage" would be a real mind-fuck.
The scene where he "bad cop's" the grandmother and the woman for whom she cares was the perfect blend of Herzog and Cage--camp and tension and hilarity all rolled into one. Another really good recent Cage movie is Lord of War (2005) -- so whoever said he makes a good one every five years or so was right on the money.
Um yes, there can be "love" even though Wild Blue Yonder might have been boring. The man has directed 57 movies!
Wow, that clip of him getting shot is insane. He's so calm about it. I know I've mentioned this story before, but one of my favorite stories among all the crazy Herzog stories is how Joaquin Phoenix flipped his car on a canyon road in LA and Werner Herzog came to his rescue. He mentions that golden voice.
The actor says, "I remember this knocking on the passenger window. There was this German voice saying, 'Just relax.' There's the airbag, I can't see and I'm saying, 'I'm fine. I am relaxed. Finally, I rolled down the window and this head pops inside. And he said, 'No, you're not.'
"And suddenly I said to myself, 'That's Werner Herzog!' There's something so calming and beautiful about Werner Herzog's voice. I felt completely fine and safe. I climbed out. I got out of the car and I said, 'Thank you,' and he was gone."
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