There you are skating along, cherishing your privacy and BOOM, the paparazzi strike and next day you're on some trashy blog. The ice skating rink is cool but I don't think I'll be skating. Well, I might try it, but the one time I did (remember MH, in Providence?) it was a failure, not to say an epic fail.

Blair Robertson stirred some controversy this week with a
scathing review of Orphan. The comments are entertaining, and Liv even weighed in. I ate at Orphan one time and I really wanted to be stoked on it, but I felt I could make better Mexican-inspired breakfast at home, or get it at a million Mexican places around town (and for cheaper). I thought their coffee was sensational and bought a pound that was delicious when I made it at home. However, I don't go out for breakfast except dim sum, so I didn't review it in any forum because there isn't really an eggs-based breakfast I would go crazy for, except maybe if it involves smoked fish and Scandinavian beer a la that place I went to in Portland.
You guys excited about the Fresh and Onlys/Ganglians show this Sunday? I am. I know Olivia and co. putting on another night at the townhouse on Saturday, right? I heard the first night was a big success. Olivia, could you send me a flier? I can't find it anywhere online. Also at Bows tonight Pregnant and Megazord are playing at 7pm and maybe stuff is 25% off?
That is awesome. That guy is a rude bottomfeeder, I am so glad that BAR called him out on it.
My wrath for people who don't clean up their dogs shit at the dog park knows no bounds!
Oh wait, that place is owned by the Naked Lounge dude? I only heard of it the other week when my coworker told me how she spent the weekend in her bathroom after eating brunch there.
That Fresh & Onlys / Ganglians show has another band on it from Texas called Woven Bones. I've got all of their records. The records are "just alright", but reliable sources tell me that if you see 'em live, they are the best band from Texas right now. So, I'm also excited to see them.
i got into the Strange Boys recently; their album is pretty decent and they're from Texas.
Is Brad Paisley from Texas? I'm just sayin...
I can't believe how torn up people get over Blaire's reviews. I don't think it says anywhere that a review can only be positive.
I ate at Orphan on their opening weekend and it was pretty good although I would agree a bit bland and something I could make at home. Those interview questions are way inexcusable though and when audible to dining customers become part of the ambience of a place and thus fair game for a critic's pen.
Overall it didn't seem like the comments on this review were as angry and psycho as the comments on the Morton's review though.
Ha! I actually posted a comment on that one, too. I think he has every right to write negative reviews (and I thought the Morton's one was hysterical), but I didn't think Orphan was that bad.
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