Peter Hoey, the brewer of the late, lamented Sacramento Brewing Co. has a new brewing venture called Odonata. They have some beers in stores here and there and HOPEFULLY will be opening a brewery HOPEFULLY downtown. We stopped by the Rubicon last night and they happened to have just tapped a couple of kegs of his beer, and he was there. On the left is the Water Witch, a Belgian dark strong ale. On the right is the Rosa, their sour beer.
Read about it on his blog. The sour was very tart and yeasty. I liked it.

Looking at that post I don't think that's the sour we had. The one he's writing about is called Beersel & the yeast is from Drie Fonteinen. The Rosa's yeast was from Russian River. That would be awesome if he had another one in the works!
Really happy to have a new brewery in town - especially one that isn't sticking so hard to the tried & true styles.
Yeah, I noticed that. That's a little confusing. He mentioned the Beersel one when I interviewed him.
I think it's the same base beer with 2 different yeast strains.
Why are they being so cryptic?
"If you're in Sacramento, we hope you can find these rare beers." and "last week we released our first-ever draft beer, Water Witch, in Roseville, CA"
In Roseville, eh? You hope I can find these beers? weird.
How are you guys finding out about these ventures and releases?
I started to read their Twitter feed (I know, I know) because it's got a little more info but yeah, it's still a little vague. We were trying to think of a place to get a beer last night & just decided to go by the Rubicon & this was randomly happening. Sometimes I wonder if I have a 6th sense about brew.
Probably the best place to find out about beer events is the hopheads event page:
He got a boner that was pointing towards the Rubicon so we just decided to go with it.
I was reading this article that Christopher Hitchens wrote about Gore Vidal (how bored am I?) and it had this quote:
Who but Gore could begin a discussion by saying that the three most dispiriting words in the English language were “Joyce Carol Oates”?
I read her novel "Them" over Christmas and it SUCKED
Use twitter and follow my boner.
Maybe a stupid question, but are they still gonna have the Odonata beers today, or was this like a one-night thing?
It should be there until the kegs run out, probably. Unless they have more than one keg. Definitely not one night, I think last night was when they tapped the kegs. Get over there! They also have Alaskan smoked porter and Sudwerk pilsner. Oh, and a bunch of Rubicon beers.
Where' sthe Hitchens article about Vidal? The worlds biggest blowhars writing about the former worlds biggest blowhard! Sounds good.
Will do... Thanks again Beckler and Miller!
It's on the Vanity Fair website.
Water Witch at owl Club in Roseville, or at least it was at one point, no idea if it's still there.
I was also there last night, happy to support a new brewery operation in town.
Water Witch was delicious. The sour beer was, well a sour beer. Not really my thing, but my friend really liked it.
I also had their first beer, the cherry one. Was good also, just not my normal choice for beer style.
"Use twitter and follow my boner."
I've been saying this for years! Why is when MILLER says it everyone thinks it's a great idea.
Charles - maybe you should have been saying, "Use twitter and follow Miller's boner."
You guys are fucked up! But funny as in a Boner that points East or West.
Just wanted to drop a line and say that I got to try out that Rosa brew.
It wasn't as funky, mellowed and musty as some the belgians are. It was much livelier - tart and acidic of course, but peppery and hot like ginger. Interesting that the same contrasts found in French wines versus Californians should pop up here.
Anyway... I loved it! Thanks again Brew Awareness Campaign!
~ First Anonymous Person
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