I went to Stinson Beach this weekend.
I was on vacation, which meant that it seemed acceptable to me to cook something funny like mac and cheese with spinach and h0t dogs in it. This is secretly what I would like to eat like all the time.

We saw a magical wise monkey-cat in Bolinas. Where else would a cat like that live?

OK, big mystery: Uggs at the beach. About half the women on the beach were wearing Uggs, which is higher than the proportion in the regular population. Which means that women specifically choose Uggs for the beach. On a pretty warm day. Non-waterproof shoes lined in sheepskin. Sounds perfect. I love the feeling of sand in sheepskin on my feet.

Stinson! So pretty.

Not much else to say. It's monday. I would say meh if I believed in that.
Beckler, I'd like to vouch for the so-cal beach region. A lot of sufer chicks wear uggs at the beach in carpinteria. short shorts and uggs. it's very cave lady. I think when one becomes a beach person, you have sacrificial beach shoes which are always sandy, and you just accept it. I think uggs look like big slippers and you know how I feel about slippers in public, it sets me off. -ec
Which would get you more wasted - an 'Uggs on the Beach' or a 'Crocs on the Beach'?
wow, so i didn't see any crocs on the beach at all! a shoe which makes much more sense at the beach.
A "Uggs on the Beach" would get you more wasted. A "Crocs on the Beach" is non-alcoholic.
W and I saw a drink called "Pregnant by Morning" on a menu recently. disturbing!
We were at Bolinas this weekend -- TRIPPY. Is it me, or is the Bolly vibe a bit intense? I know that's supposed to be part of the 'charm' (removing higway signs to remain hidden, etc), but man...they straight up yell at some of the tourists.
-- Patrone
The spinach in the mac-n-cheese looks pretty good. Culinary improvisation? The last time I tried to go freestyle in the kitchen I put cinnamon in canned corn. Somehow I thought it would be make me Iron Chief McCrory.
It didn't.
It is a little intense. I think the Bolinas locals saw that Steal Your Face sticker on Beckler's car & knew we were OK. True or false: While in Bolinas, I bought a sticker with a lightning bolt inside a rose that said "We Will Survive".
don't forget you bought incense at two different stores and i bought a chart with the phases of the moon on it and a kombucha drink. what day were you in bolinas? that would have been so rad if we ran into you.
We were there yesterday. Did you see the burnout lady who looked like she was carved from sandstone? I thought she was a statue until she took a pull on her rollie. Her amethyst-colored facial sores were disturbing.
ahhh!! that lady scared the shit out of me. we thougth she was a statue, too. scariest bum since the ancient guanajuato bum. gballs, back me up on this one.
Well, I haven't seen sandstone lady, but the stinky scary Howard Hughes guanajuato bum was like the walking dead. Or a mummy.
If you haven't before, next time you go to Stinson, take the Steep Ravine hike down to the beach. It's only a few miles round trip and is mostly under canopy. And it's not too steep.
Yeah, we were going to attempt that but weren't geared up for a longer hike. Next time. We just went a little bit on the Matt Davis trail.
uggs were made for surfers. do a little research
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