Friday, February 26, 2010
mess me up

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
beer week picks
Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010
halloween show

Thursday, February 18, 2010
The following
Jerry's #1 fan

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
New Year

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
city council meeting or Lost?
Join us at the next city council meeting After losing in Court twice trying to impose a “Strong Mayor” system on Sacramento city government, Mayor Kevin Johnson is trying another end-run around the process.He's introduced a new, hastily prepared proposal that radically changes the City charter and is demanding the City Council ratify it in time to place it on the June 8th ballot.Tell the Mayor to get down to business and focus on the issues we care about – like fixing the projected $40 million shortfall in the city's budget, NOT continuing to push a measure that makes significant revisions to the City charter with no public debate or community input.Join us at the next city council meeting...February 16, 2010Sacramento City Hall, 915 I StreetMeeting begins 6:00 p.m.Meet outside Council Chambers 5:30 p.m.Parking: Metered parking available around City Hall.City Hall parking lot is between 10th and 11th, off I Street.andCall or email the Mayor & your Councilmember today and tell them how you feel…Mayor Kevin Johnson – 808-5300 www.cityofsacramento.org/mayor/forms/emailCommentForm/ Dist. 1 Councilmember, Ray Tretheway: 808-7001 rtretheway@cityofsacramento.orgDist. 2 Councilmember, Sandy Sheedy: 808-7002 ssheedy@cityofsacramento.orgDist. 3 Councilmember, Steve Cohn: 808-7003 scohn@cityofsacramento.orgDist. 4 Councilmember, Rob Fong: 808-7004 rkfong@cityofsacramento.orgDist. 5 Councilmember, Lauren Hammond: 808-7005 lhammond@cityofsacramento.orgDist. 6 Councilmember, Kevin McCarty: 808-7006 KMcCarty@cityofsacramento.orgDist. 7 Councilmember, Robbie Waters: 808-7007 rwaters@cityofsacramento.orgDist. 8 Councilmember, Bonnie Pannell: 808-7008 bpannell@cityofsacramento.orgFor more information call 484-3732 or go to www.savesac.com
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Bananas do it again
So there they were, warming up the crowd, but with a hungry fan contingent of their own. Hungry for more Bananas shows! Two brothers had flown in from Las Vegas to see the show, and one of them had a Bananas tattoo. MikeRMike was in rare form-cracking everyone up and performing scissor kick after flawless scissor kick. Even though I have seen the Bananas more than any other band, they can still blow my mind and give me goosebumps.
Best Coast were good, but they frontloaded their set with their best songs and played a little too long. Vivian Girls sounded great. I liked the new material. They sang an acapella doo-wop song and it was fucking adorable.
On a political note, if you are opposed to the mayor's new strong-ish mayor proposal, you should attent the city council meeting next tuesday and make your opinion known.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
infotainment for you
This one is a little disturbing.
Monday, February 08, 2010
vote the grid
Friend of the Grid,
The Midtown/Downtown Grid is the heart of our city. It is the economic engine that fuels our region. It is the cosmopolitan core that gives our city an identity. It is also the home to tens of thousands of our city’s citizens. From bookstores and galleries, parks and the river, to restaurants and nightlife, the Grid has it all. The businesses, the organizations and the people of the Grid make Sacramento the vibrant, world-class city that it is.
Despite the critical role we play in the city, the interests of the residents of the Grid are ignored at City Hall. On numerous issues, the interests of the outlying areas take precedent over residents of the Grid in making decisions for our neighborhood. Two critical examples:
Development -- Massive, upscale residential developments are consistently favored over affordable middle and working class projects that would be affordable options for those of us who live in the area.
Homelessness – Time and again, decisions are made to ensure that whatever the city chooses to do for our homeless population, it does not happen in “My Backyard”. While most of us on the Grid do not have backyards, NIMBY attitudes too often mean that, instead of employing rational, effective, cost efficient solutions, the homeless end up on our doorsteps.
It is time for a change in the power dynamic in our city. It is time for our community’s interests to be taken seriously at City Hall. Vote the Grid is being created to empower our community. To register, inform and engage voters from all walks of life, all across the Grid. It will use the best of the Grid, music, art and people, to excite and motivate voters and build a more engaged, involved community.
Please join us to discuss the needs of our community and how the organization can fill those needs. We will be meeting on Wednesday, February 10th, 6 pm at the Fungarden (1050 20th St). RSVP requested to devinlavelle@gmail.com.
Devin Lavelle
Friday, February 05, 2010
Sacramento Bucket List?

Wednesday, February 03, 2010
sha na na na: punk as fuck

Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Snow Buddies tell-all
Monday, February 01, 2010
take it off