Adam Gopnik wrote a touching piece about J.D. Salinger's writing in the New Yorker.
I had a post request from CH. She's lived in the Sacramento area for what? Six years now? Anyway, she and DP are moving in about 7 months. She wants to know everybody's Sac bucket list so that she can be sure to do all the things you should do while you live here before she goes. For instance, she has not yet been to the river access at 28th and C. The jank Riviera. These should be fun things, not just things that scream "Sac". Such as 2 dollar pint night at the Rubicon.
I bought some rendered goose fat at Taylor's Market. They also have duck fat. MH advised me to use it to cook napa cabbage, and it's always good to take her advice on culinary matters.

My Sac (and vicinity) Bucket List:
Swim at the waterfalls at Edwards Crossing in Nevada City. Eat at the Willo Steakhouse (where you can cook your own steak on an indoor grill or for 50 cents extra have them cook it) or Big A Rootbeer Drive-in in Grass Valley or Ikeda's in Auburn afterwards.
Get high at Acid Park.
Eat at the Waterboy, say hi to Ground Chuck if he's chalking it up out front.
Go to Locke and take the trail behind town, then get a brew at the Al the Wops.
Go to Foster's Bighorn in Rio Vista.
Karaoke at Rurulala.
Get wasted at the Flame.
Eat a sno-cone with ice cream in the middle from Osaka Ya.
Hang out at U Street and shoot the shit.
I'm sure there's a ton more....
Oh yeah, CH and DP, you should come to SF and kick it with me and eat a good burrito and go to Dolores Park and drink brew before you move. We just got a new place!
Margs: Can't go to Dolores, it's getting shut down for repairs (, but I definitely plan on loafing around SF this summer. I'm so psyched for unemployment!
Beckler, it's kind of weird that you read my mind in this post. Just this morning I was thinking, where can I get duck fat, and I'm going to Fat Face for lunch today, with that same order in mind.
Eat at June's, Thanksgiving Bike Ride, Day Rage, State Fair, drink Sac Treats, be acknowledged in some way by Vanoni.
I am doing really well on everyone elses bucket lists,except cooking my own steak and of course Day Raging, my rages can't be organized.
Let me add:
Denio's (including auction town)
drinks on the boat in Old Sac
Denios - crucial.
My Sac Bucket List:
1) Tell Downtown James Brown to fuck off
2) Get punched at Benny's
3)Eat at El Camino Real . Vomit.
4) Fall in love with the really cute checker at Alhambra Safeway
-- Patrone
Also the drive-in!!!! Can't believe we forgot that.
Margs and Miller - your lists rule. I'd add to that
- Go to Denios with $100 early in the morning and spend it on crazy old junk. Eat a corndog.
- Throw a huge party, see what happens.
-Sam's Hoff Brau!
- Portuguese Bullfights in Stevenson!
- Tickets to kick it in the Pits at Sacramento Raceway for the Governor's Cup!
- late night sidewalk driving in your car.
- Seeing the Bananas and the 4 Eyes, anytime.
- feeling like the Crest and the Tower are somehow, irrevocably yours.
Forgetting the Drive-in is a real oversight. Maybe because it has gone beyond bucket list right to neccesity. Also bring Pho Bac and a brew in with you. Pork chop under the stars! (both kinds, see how I did that?)
Dolores doesn't close until the Fall 2011, so you probably still have time...
-Port Costa, Burlington Hotel, preferably on Halloween.
-Bird Sanctuary in Williams during the November-February migration!!!
-Gibson Ranch in Summertime.
-Manny's in Stockton
-The Glen Cox Chevron on 29th street, as long as Mr. Cox is there, washing your windows and offering to check the oil.
-daytime drinking at old man bars such at Henry's and the Pre-Flite, followed by bicycle riding in the middle of the street.
-buying ice cream at Discovery Park by the boat ice cream man
-eat at a Mulvaney's Family Dinner
-grab a last burger at Nationwide Freezer Meats
Moving to PDX, right? Then binge on South Sac Mexican food everday of the summer to take the sting out of one of Portland's weakest qualities.
Hey, moving to Portland is pretty Sac on its own, isn't it?
I think a full 25% of Portland residents are from Sac or the vicinity. The rest may be from LA. I'll take a poll when I am there next week.
Only have time for a short list:
A day at Monkey Island followed by pizza at Roma's II!!
Drinking hella coffee and then walking the streets and shooting the shit.
Smoking weed at the WPA garden in William Land Park.
Riding your bike slowly through east sac/elmhurst (M Street, T Street).
Taking the bike trail to College Greens to have dinner with DP's parents.
Skip that last Nationwide burger in favor of your first Faisal's Halal spicy burger w/ cheese.
Also, get a "Mega Fatboy Combo Meal" at Scott's Burger Shack on that Crenshaw-like stretch of Franklin. That's 1½ pounds of beef with cheese oozing out, a human-head-sized bag of fries, and a Big Gulp-sized soft drink for $11. Skip a meal before and after.
best thread in heckasac history
CH has already done a lot of these, including working at the crest. working at crest or tower or state net or emh or tower records is pretty crucial.
make out in the tower at the tower?
go to a wedding where they play hat nerd?
ride your bike to del paso thrift town.
eat sunflower in the park and feed the chickens.
fancy night out at waterboy.
eat at junes.
drunkenly play on the playground at southside park. although clearly the best time ever to do that is after a full thanksgiving meal across the street at gb's house.
really nothing can beat the four eyes christmas show, although the halloween show can come close
observe discovery park bikini flotilla madness on one of the hottest weekend days of summer, from a safe distance
night at the merc.
that's off the top of my head
This could easily be the list for a really good scavenger hunt. And any list of field trip type destinations should include Folsom Prison's museum. Too bad its art/gift shop got shut down.
Special edition Sacto 1989 bucket list (apologies for going off topic, though you can still do a couple of these!):
Go to One Edge Up and catch the Sewer Trout
Hop on the railraod levee on Elvas, walk to Arden Mall and back
Go see Dutch Falconi Orchestra when Kizzy & Gene Avery were still in it
Have a chili dog at Cookies Drive-in
Loan Ground Chuck some drumsticks
Hang out at Genesis Music on Folsom, hear the VH cover band practicing in back
Jam on that BMX track over the levee where Alhambra dead-ends
Go to the crazy Shingle Springs record store (RIP)
Go to a Subgenius wedding at Java city and get showered in grits
Say Hi to Bobby Burns, who you see walkin' around every day!
Go to the Beat when it was in its orig location, buy a Tales of Terror LP that they always had a couple of, join a band from their bulletin board!
Old Men and meat edition:
Little Joe's
Bud's Buffet
Original Perry's
bud's buffet is one of the only things on the bucket list that i haven't done. ch, let me know if you want to go to bud's buffet.
Dp is leaving sac? Who am I going to talk about wwe with now? Let's get WM 26 ppv!
i am trying to get back into watching wwe. the miz! luckily there are so many old dudes wrestling that it hasn't changed that much from when i was watching wrestling like 9 years ago.
ive had suspicions that the bleeding out of sacramento was puddling into portland!
-visiting parts of the catacombs on parts of the grid
-cursing at the apartment complex and garden that once was mandela community garden
-pick city fruits with full intentions of eating them, even though you know theyre probably: toxic and/or: sour as hell
visit the vanoni lips on 21st and capitol and give it a farewell kisserooni.
I'm super down to get the WM 26 ppv!
Man, I can't mention how many times I have made out with those Vanoni lips. That's one hot palm tree.
Ooh! Also, the murder of crows that flock every day, a hair before dusk (5:30ish nowadays). They are strongest in the Alkali Flat/Mansion Flats area. I suggest walking to 13th and "B" street (walk past C street and climb up to the railroad tracks for the best view). Face south back toward the city and watch them. They usually flock for a good 30-45min.
Capitol Aquarium (feed the fish).
Grau-Hall shut down, didn't it?
Put on a secret show in a parking lot garage under the freeway.
Go bowling in West Sac (too bad they put in a bar and you no longer buy beers from the ice chest).
Are any of the voodoo stores still open on Franklin?
Visit Dorthea Puente's old house.
Memorial Lawn Mortuary where Karen Greenlee the necrophile worked, and where Pounded Clown's most famous member, Doug Martin is buried.
SLA tour. Drink at the Monkey Bar. Right above it was one of the SLA hideouts. Whatever is now at 5746 Marconi Avenue in Carmichael. That's where SLA member Emily Harris shotgunned Myrna Opsahl ("Oh, she's dead, but it doesn't really matter. She was a bourgeois pig anyway. Her husband is a doctor," says Harris from a Patty quote during the trial). 914 T St, #4 where they went after they croaked Opsahl.
We need Edward Hunterscissorhands here for the address where Squeaky Fromme used to live. Sacto is where she tried to off the tea bagger president -- Ford! Wait, I just googled Squeaky Fromme P street and was directed to heckasac and a post from Ed saying 1725 P St!
Richard Trenton Chase! The Vampire Killer of Sacramento. His blood was turning to powder and if your door wasn't locked that was his invitation into your house! You ca visit his houses.
Walk down to the river and drink a beer in front of the seals. Don't shoot one in the face. They allegedly don't like that.
Drink a beer at Capitol Park. Not as fun before the cops started checking every 2 minutes.
Have a drink at OT, walk past the Zebra (where Lyon Wong was killed) and have a drink at Bennys. Then off to the Flame and grumble "man, fucking hipsters. this used to be a great old man's bar" (as first said in 1957).
Drink a beer behind Time Tested in salute of the Loft and laugh about a 4 Eyes/Bananas show and shake your fist at scabies infested Nic. Get out from under those stairs, hippy!
Make your way past the spot where Lux Interior and Poison Ivy lived. Swing by the store and get some beers. That's where you can stop for a burger at Nationwide or think about the times you saw Alkali Lollies at the hippy Bike Kitchen where some hippy stole 2 dollars from you. Damn you hippy!
At this point, you've seen Vanoni about 18 times. Just ignore that. He's not following you. He's just always there. Like Dave West and/or your shadow.
Trinos the swingers bar. Pretty creepy but I've only driven through the parking lot. I'm too much of a puss to go inside. I love the idea of swingers -- much like a black hole -- but I don't want to investigate either too closely.
Walk all the way down R.
Spend some Kwality time on the K Street Mall (that's quality with a K!).
Take a picture at the color poles on 16th across from where Tess and Tippy lived.
Stare at the corner of 19th and N and try to figure out who's broken down car was pushed across the street more. Me or Mike R Mikes.
I heard rumors that Rick's Uptown was closed. No more Chinese Food for Mike R Mike ever again.
Walk over to Awesome Video and say "I love you, but man, what an obsolete business plan" (do the same to R5).
Give Willies the bird.
Give the world famous bicycle racer some loose change to buy crack. You're in his neighborhood anyway.
Go under the railway bridge where 80 and Cal Expo is. Smoke a cigarette and think of how much of a Cometbus rip-off this was.
Fall in love with someone that you never talk to. Swear again about Aaron Cometbus somehow going into the past to steal your present day ideas.
Remember when we were the young hipsters that ruined the Flame?
Just knowing DP is sacto in a nutshell. I'm going to miss you guys.
To add to the "Old Men w/ Meat" list...
Corned beef @ Brownie's
(or even just the club sandwich there...I've never had one better than that!)
Outdoor Movies in Midtown
Porch Party
Breakfast at Jim Denny's
P.S. People do walk in many parts of L.A. Orange County too. You just have to get off the freeway and know where to go. There are over 50 "grids" around the city. Get tired of one. Go to another :-)
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