Oy, the Halloween show. The memories I have are bittersweet because I spent yesterday in bed, only emerging to cane Bunchy or puke in my trash can. I have to chuckle remembering how I kept drinking Janis' SoCo and then saying "It's so disgusting! It tastes like bubblegum!" and then I would drink more. EC brought me 524 and Pedialyte, though. What more could you ask from a friend?
I only have a few usable pics. I enjoyed Non. I would even have tolerated more than one song.

Sacramento Beer Week opening event tonight. I really don't feel like drinking any beer! At the Colonial. Ed C. is talking about his brewing book. Ten bucks. Local beers included.
I couldn't go to sleep last night before letting myself read the first chapter of Ed's book. I was so tired from driving back to LA through that nasty storm. I can't wait to go home and read the rest tonight! It is terrific! Buy it!
Ed C - if you are out there.... My Grandfather bought a old delivery truck from a Sacto brewery in the 60's, which is out on the ranch still, rusting. The brewery was called Hop Wo Brewery. Obviously a Chinese brewery. Can you find anything on those dudes? The truck is from the early 50's, methinks. Last time I looked you could still read "Hop Wo Brewery" faintly on the side of the thing. I should take a photo.
At first I read that as Wop Ho and thought "Obviously a Chinese brewery??!" but obviously the Halloween fog is still thick in my head. I blame Janis' So Co, too.
Amanda blew me away! And she looked so beautiful in that pink flowing gown. Carpenters really nailed it.
The whole night was magical. Some of my other favorite moments:
Courtney as Susanna Hoffs. She had the look and sound down.
Janis and her back-up band. I felt like I was witnessing history.
Seeing Stine as Billy Joe.
Mama's and the Papa's sweet, sweet harmonies.
How natural David Paul looks in that era.
Seeing Journey live in concert.
Huell, Huell, Huell.
-H Conway Esq.
OMG, How could I forget Hole! Courtney Love was in fine form.
Oh yeah, and thanks to Guphy for making it happen! I hope the clean up wasn't too bad and I hope I collected enough money. There were so many people there that I had never seen. It tripped my shit out.
I really liked NON too. I thought that I wouldn't. I especially enjoyed that there were earplugs handed out. Did Boyd do that?
Cleanup as OK, many hands make light work. I went back to mop yesterday, but Dyldog had already done it. We had 70$ left over to give to the Haiti benefit, so that was of cool.
All said though I think it was a little too big for the space, but I am not thinking about next year for at least a month, but then I will talk about it all the time because it's my favorite topic.
Saturday convinced me that DP is some guy from 1967 reincarnated. Don't know who, but some cool guy.
Sounds like a missed a good one again. Please cut me in on early date-making next time. I just wanna know so that I don't go book another show the same night. I don't ever wanna miss this when it happens. Huell, really? In the sunglasses and the blue polo and everything! Did he shake people's hands for three minutes straight?
My singing along with tork is the sweetest and yet slightly embarassing thing ever. Drunkenly singing along with your husband while he is dressed like Peter Tork and you are dressed like Brett Michaels is makes my life in sac sort of the best.
hey man, the real SoCo drinking started much earlier in the day... i just brought it up there to share some liquid love with my brothers and sisters man... gotta stay groovy (not pukey) for the music... yea man...
p.s. the monkees!
also, huell: "amazing!"
Janis singing Summertime. Video by Larry
I think the day after Halloween was rough for all of us. What a night! I was ecstatic with the amount of ladies rocking out. All the ladies of Joan Jett, the Bangles!!-so good, Thug Life, Billie Joe!, don't even get me started about Poison, fucking Janis Joplin (I didn't even like Janis Joplin until that performance-incredible), singing along with Journey was the perfect ending, and of course the beautiful babes in Hole. And all you fellas too of course.
Damn, it was all so good.
p.s. your kind words are warming my cold cold heart. Thank you very much.
oh yeah, I sadly missed the mamas and the papas. I heard they were amazing.
The Carpenters made me so happy! In general the Halloween bands this year made me think, "I should listen to [x] band again, they're good!"
Also, 524 was our hangover food too.
And thanks again Guphy Guphystein!!! And all the people who helped clean up.
Indeed, thanks to Guphy! I have been meaning to participate in a Loft halloween show since the first one, and finally got to do it...one more thing to check off the Sacramento to-do list!
ps: The earplugs were not my idea.
I love how you can hear Huell saying "amazing" during the song!
Conway & I are busy at work trying to figure out if there were atually more ladies in bands than dudes this year. I think so! Were Non & The Monkees the only lady-less bands?
"I wish they all could be California girls."
The official tally is 23 girls & 22 guys! Unless you count Huell - in which case it's tied. AMAZING!!
Rad!! Genuine gender equity, thanks Huell!!
PS: Are you counting Security Gaurd Bill? Then it would be 23 girls and 24 guys, dudes rule!!!
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