Exciting, nay titillating brew developments! Pangaea now has Brasserie Dupont's organic saison, Foret on draught. Just like a big city! A delicious crisp elixir. Mulvaney's currently has it, too. Try some before it's gone. Oh yeah, I stole this nice picture from mothkettle.com Also, the Davis Co-op has Cuvee de Ranke back in stock. This is one smooth drinking "sour" beer. Some call it Cuvee de Raske. Random blurry Mantles picture. Here's some crappily grabbed stills from Festival Express. Lesh building it up and breaking it down. Here's the pigs busting some heads. All these Canadian kids want is to get into this concert for free, is that so wrong? Nothing will make you feel like a conservative like watching this movie. I was like "this hardworking guy put on these awesome concerts and these dumb young punks think they should get in free?! Fuck them!" Here's Jerry calming the crowd with mellow vibes. Caption contest! Submit your captions below. Here is Sha Na Na blowing everyone's minds. Including mine. Blowing the pigs minds. They are so fucking punk! Since everything is on the internet, here is the clip. I say this with the most love possible: they are reminding me of Personal and the Pizzas here.
You should have seen some of the awesome people that showed up for festival express when it came out! The Crest was the epicenter of the counter culture for a weekend.
ps. Does anyone remember when grandpa Simpson is at Woodstock and yells "Bring on Sha Na Na!"? Cuz i do.
"this hardworking guy put on these awesome concerts and these dumb young punks think they should get in free?! Fuck them!"
I was watching the Hawkwind Documentary on youtube and throwing off the same vibe! I though maybe that was because I was getting older, but then I realized I hated that bullshit when I was 20!
My brother and I were big fans of the Sha Na Na TV show. Did anybody else watch that? The Ramones were on it once. It was an era of variety shows. I miss those!
-little bit country, little bit rock and roll - ec
So cute! I wish I would have gone to the meeting. From the Bee:
Councilman Kevin McCarty, whose district includes the stretch of restaurants, Asian markets, hair and nail salons, and jewelry stores, proposed the designation.
McCarty said it represented a "long overdue recognition of the Vietnamese community who've helped transform this stretch of Stockton Boulevard."
An overflow crowd of "Little Saigon" supporters – many waving American flags – packed the council chambers, applauding every time a speaker spoke favorably of the new name.
A tearful Councilman Ray Tretheway, a veteran who served in Vietnam, thanked supporters for being "willing to build a legacy with us.
oops, treaded into some dicey territory there. I'm not associated with LV. I love their beer. And other people's beer. Such as Odonata. And Russian River.
CJ Fish did indeed play, and KILLED 'Rock and Soul Music', causing me untold agonies from hours of headbanging along as I played that track over and over. It's like twice the speed (speed being probably the operative word here) of the studio version on the 'Together' LP. That cut and 'I'm Going Home' by 10 Years After are totally destroyed on my copy of 'Woodstock' from repeat plays.
HN, Heckasac can talk about the brews all she wants, just not me. At least as far as where to get them goes. But you can always email me at smiller@lvbev.com if you have any questions.
wow that foret looks rad. i only want to drink bottle-conditioned farm house ales for the rest of my life.
Good news: you live in New York. You have beer stores and lax growler laws. You're set!
I am ready to start a growler gang right about now.
Also, you be the judge:
scrol down past Bonepony
Ed C
Correction, the first link should be
bowzer! so erudite.
cast your vote in the sacbee for the arena plan you prefer:
Went by Mulvaney's for a beer last night and they were out of almost everything. I had to drink a Duvel.
dude, Festival Express. That's a blast from the past. We should go see Sha Na Na...do they still play fairs and casinos?
Several months ago, Miller asked if Monument Liquor carried Jolly Pumpkin beers. I am just stopping by to confirm that they do.
Thanks for the heads up on the Cuvee de Ranke. Do you remember what it sells for?
Sha Na Na = best live band of the late 60's!
Yeah, that's not bad at all.
Between that tip and Fatface, I might have to reconsider Davis as the place between Sacramento and Concord.
Yeah, Fatface was awesome! Just went there yesterday and got the pork sandwich...Absolutely delish.
You should have seen some of the awesome people that showed up for festival express when it came out! The Crest was the epicenter of the counter culture for a weekend.
ps. Does anyone remember when grandpa Simpson is at Woodstock and yells "Bring on Sha Na Na!"? Cuz i do.
"this hardworking guy put on these awesome concerts and these dumb young punks think they should get in free?! Fuck them!"
I was watching the Hawkwind Documentary on youtube and throwing off the same vibe! I though maybe that was because I was getting older, but then I realized I hated that bullshit when I was 20!
My brother and I were big fans of the Sha Na Na TV show. Did anybody else watch that? The Ramones were on it once. It was an era of variety shows. I miss those!
-little bit country, little bit rock and roll - ec
How did I miss Festival Express at the Crest?? HOW?!?!
scored the bam noire last night! crackin' it before dinner.
-chachi chapstick
i'm surprised OMF hasn't weighed in on this sha na na thread. amazing....
I'll never forget the day OMF told me that The Sonics were but a pale imitation of Sha Na Na.
I probably refused to go see Festival Express with you due to the Janis footage. Despite looking (and being) so much like her, I can't stand her.
Can you handle watching Jerry watch Sha Na Na? I love it! Where is Bowser, though? I know Miller is coveting Jerry's tie-dye, probably right now.
That's awesome, Miller. I'm thoroughly jealous of your endevor. Keep me posted as to who is buying from you and I'll buy from them.
Very informative website, by the way.
Oh and did you catch the latest post from Odonata? That answers a lot of questions, ha!
Interesting, thanks for the link. God the liquor laws are so fucking stupid!!!!!
Sha Na Na were the biggest hit at Woodstock. Just sayin'.
A math equation:
Tim Foster = Grandpa Simpson
oh no, we don't want to turn this into a beer vs. wine fight! that could get ugly. and drunken.
Ugly and drunken is my calling card.
Miller, does that prohibit your comrade here from letting Heckasac readers know what your company is up to?
Brew Awareness is practically a public service.
So cute! I wish I would have gone to the meeting. From the Bee:
Councilman Kevin McCarty, whose district includes the stretch of restaurants, Asian markets, hair and nail salons, and jewelry stores, proposed the designation.
McCarty said it represented a "long overdue recognition of the Vietnamese community who've helped transform this stretch of Stockton Boulevard."
An overflow crowd of "Little Saigon" supporters – many waving American flags – packed the council chambers, applauding every time a speaker spoke favorably of the new name.
A tearful Councilman Ray Tretheway, a veteran who served in Vietnam, thanked supporters for being "willing to build a legacy with us.
foster-didn't your precious country joe and the fish play at woodstock?
oops, treaded into some dicey territory there. I'm not associated with LV. I love their beer. And other people's beer. Such as Odonata. And Russian River.
precious, precious, country joe....
CJ Fish did indeed play, and KILLED 'Rock and Soul Music', causing me untold agonies from hours of headbanging along as I played that track over and over. It's like twice the speed (speed being probably the operative word here) of the studio version on the 'Together' LP. That cut and 'I'm Going Home' by 10 Years After are totally destroyed on my copy of 'Woodstock' from repeat plays.
Another Math equation:
Tim Foster = the counter culture
ps. Tim I have a Megacools Lp for you and Liv
pps. verification word: debroo
HN, Heckasac can talk about the brews all she wants, just not me. At least as far as where to get them goes. But you can always email me at smiller@lvbev.com if you have any questions.
Thanks Miller. Sorry if I put you guys in a tough spot there. It's tough for me to take these things seriously when they seem so ridiculous.
That makes 2 of us!
hmmm that sounds really interesting, I would like to try that elixir myself and buy some more for my friends and see the result, thanks for the post!
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