Friday, November 16, 2012

piece of crap

After a vaporizer session I foolishly left the room where smiller was spinning fresh reggae (do the kids still say fresh?) and went upstairs to watch the Sofia Coppola movie "Somewhere".  What a piece of garbage, and the worst movie to watch while stoned.  I would zone out on a long scene where he was smoking a cigarette and then zone back in and he would still be smoking it.  This guy was a piece of crap of a human being.  This entire movie was more boring than my most boring moment of my actual life.  And you are talking to someone who loved My Dinner With Andre and that boring Belgian movie that just follows a woman around her apartment for three hours and then she does something shocking in the end.

The Neighbor- I don't imagine you have any eggs, do you?  I want to start on a batch of aged nog and it would be awesome to do it with farm eggs.  I will probably have arugula to give you soon.


beckler said...

oooh, I got another letter. Here it is:

hmm..not linked. anyway it chastised me for being unkind in my review of grange to a family near me by calling them "unsophisticated" and maybe because of their southern accents.

I actually said unsophisticated-looking, which hedges a little bit. I did not intentionally draw a line between the accents and the look, but I could see how you could get that. I was attempting to characterize the vibe. I thought they looked unsophisticated because a couple o them were wearing Disney sweatshirts.

I don't consider it my number one job to be kind.

Anonymous said...

I also really love that Belgian movie of the woman cutting potatoes for 3 hours. Why is that?


Anonymous said...

What vap do you use?


beckler said...

magic flight launch box from amazon

Anonymous said...

Ah, that was my first vaporizer. I still have it and it still works, although I've graduated to the Iolite. Hope to get the Wispr for the holidays.


beckler said...

you are so next level

Anonymous said...

Sorry, we have no eggs! It's molting season, and protein/calcium stores are used up in feather production. We *probably* won't have any to spare until Spring.

-The Neighbor

PS- Stop by Thanksgiving!