Wednesday, January 08, 2020


I'm doing this fitness challenge thing this month at my spin studio. I'm supposed to go to spin 20 times this month, and then do something else on my own every other day. Anyhoo, I always have ideas for tweets about spin when I'm in spin, because it's hot and traumatic in there so my mind is active aka freaking out.

Couple/three problems with this:
1) I stay off twitter because it turns your brain into garbage
2) I am bad at tweeting so no one likes my tweets and also I often feel like I don't really "get" twitter and am doing stuff wrong
3)What if something I write goes viral for the wrong reason?

I had a great idea to generate some of the content that you readers are all demanding: write my spin tweets here! Part of the reblogaissance can be destroying twitter by bringing tweets to blogs. If we had all never stopped blogging we might not have Trump for president so I am just trying to do my part.

Oh boy. This is going to be....something.

Here's an idea I had for an old one, that is no longer topical at all:

Avicii dying was like 9/11 for spin instructors.

Here's one I texted to Matt R. previously, but that I would like a wider audience for:

Most of the inspirational stories that the instructors tell either involve moving to LA or moving back from LA

That's all I can remember now. A lot of them are just fantasies about tweeting about this one instructor (who I avoid) that makes the room so disgusting and hot that when you go to pick up the weights they are dripping with someone else's sweat. And she keeps the class late too! Can you feel my petty outrage? Feel it.

Can't wait to post more #spintweets


beckler said...

BTW I love the spin instructors and their inspirational stories

Caroline said...

I don't think there will ever be a moment more cringeworthy for me than when someone told a long and drawn out inspo story about making a doctor's appointment during a coldplay track.

beckler said...

from that same instructor we got a long speech about pushing ourselves and it ended with, "what's the worst that could happen? you die? we're all going to die anyways!!"

It's like, it's 9am in an exercise class can I please forget about my own mortality for five minutes???

Caroline said...

Hahah I've had a different instructor also say "What's the worst that could happen? You die? You aren't going to die in here. Probably."