Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
the gauntlet is tossed
In another bold move, Askjoey told someone off bigtime in this week's column. I love it!
This is unrelated, but I think it's so rad that Calvin always comes to Sac on every tour. You can't say that for many midsized artists. There are quite a few indie performers that have good shows here and then they get a teeny bit bigger and start bypassing us. Of course, there are quite a few that have crappy shows in sac the first time and never come back. I'll be happy to go see Calvin with a band as long as that Tender Forever chick isn't playing tambourine.
Everybody knows that chkchkchk is playing monday, right? Wow their website looks really good. The animation on their myspace is also quite amusing. Check that tour schedule. That's insane.
yes, i'm serious
ganja productions no less!
Here's an appeal from Sacramento historian Bill Berg. Let me know if you would like me to put you in touch with him:
Actually, this is an opportune time for me to mention that I am working on a history of Southside Park for Arcadia Publishing, and I am looking for a couple of photos of whatever sort of backyard punk rock parties that people may have had in the vicinity of Southside Park (321 U Street, 6th and T, etcetera) in the 1980s or early 90s to use in the part of the book covering the recent past. I'll bring my portable scanner thingamabob to this event, but I can meet people at any semi-convenient place and time.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
crickets chirping
see how much it looks like the onion?

Monday, April 23, 2007
saturday night, saturday night
friday night
Then Rock The Light rocked it.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
answer: my house
a chicken in every pot

House Smoked Tofino Inlet Salmon and Marinated Monterey Squid with Baby beets, Artichokes, Fava Beans & Crème Fraiche
Saffron Risotto with Polpettini of Veal Sweetbreads with Porcini Mushrooms & Tomato-Rosemary Sauce
Crispy Muscovy Duck Leg Confit with Celery Root Remoulade, Watercress, Sautéed Potatoes & Zinfandel-Black Pepper Sauce
Buttermilk Sorbet with a Crispy Butter Cookie & Brandied Cherries
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
i love you, stockton blvd.
Did you know that there are hella shows this weekend? It's true. Rock the Light and the Ancient Sons are playing at the distillery. Ancient sons has hella buzz and sexy twins. What more could you ask for? The Bananas are making a rare live appearance in the area (Davis) on saturday. Why Davis? Sucks for me. Oh well.
holy crepe
those wacky neocons!
On a political note, I have been thinking about neocons alot lately because I watched this documentary and then last night I watched the PBS show about Richard Perle. This show should have been titled "Global Chop Busting of Richard Perle" because he just travelled all over and people of many different nations busted his chops about Iraq. He was particularly busted out by Pat Buchanan and a journalist named Abdel Brai Atwan who has interviewed Bin Laden. He is still a true believer though, and spends the hour he is given building the case for intervention in Iran! What a nut!
are you good to eat?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
skyscraper nerds?
this is all i got
Do you roasted duck lovers out there have an opinion (I know you're an opinionated lot) about where the best duck can be found? How do you feel about Gentry BBQ duck?
There is an entertaining discussion of the term "hipster" going on on yelp.
Monday, April 16, 2007
durian shake
I got the pork bun at Hong Luan sandwich yesterday. It was so fucking good! It had these cuts of charbroiled pork that were marbled with succulent fat and crispy on the edges and I could not even begin to tell you what the hell part of the pig they were from but it's my new favorite part whatever it is. And I got a durian shake which was bland but good. The shake really mostly tasted like icy condensed milk. I smelled the durians (it's important to take time to stop and smell the durians) at SF Supermarket and other than poking my nose on a spike, I had no strong reaction. I should have bought one but they were five bucks and I was being cheap. Maybe they're in season, though, because everyone was buying them. I love all the development that is going on over there, right next to Little Vietnam plaza there are posted plans for a Little Saigon plaza. I hope it really gets built.
Friday, April 13, 2007
What a weekend!

Thursday, April 12, 2007
hot pie pics
I also went crazy and baked two pies! Because of a hilarious mix-up I ended up with twice as much pie crust as I needed so in addition to the apple raisin five spice pie (bottom picture), I had the brainstorm to make some kind of savory lamb curry pie. Smiller and I went to Taylors and they ground us some lamb to order. I chopped up onions and sauteed them, and then added the ground lamb (at this point I drained out as much of the fat as I could and we both did shots of it) and a bunch of the Japanese curry that I brought back. Then at the last second I threw in a peeled, chopped up potato, a sliced carrot, and some peas and put it into the pie crust (I am omitting the description of the giant temper tantrum I have every single time I make pie crust-it's quite sad) and somehow maneuvered a crust on top. I cooked it on 375 until it looked done (about 40 minutes). The potato and carrot cook inside. It was delicious if I do say so myself! That's right, yesterday I ate pizza AND pie.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
center for contemporary art event

la cucaracha and more bitching about Davis
On an unrelated note, what the fuck is up with restaurants in Davis? Specifically, small chains that are great in Sac and terrible in Davis. I have found this time and again at Cafe Bernardo, which I finally had to stop eating at in Davis The other day I met some people after work at Bistro 33 in Davis and got a salad that I have often gotten in Sac (the salmon nicoises) and it was so terrible! It was so carelessly assembled that it was like a slap in the face. Guess what it was missing? The nicoise olives, which are what make it a nicoise salad. Also, it was teeny and cost twelve dollars. In Sac the portion is sufficient to serve as a light meal, but I had to keep bogarting food of peoples plates (most of whom I knew) to even approach fullness. Is it because restaurants in Davis are really more for drinking at than for eating?
miso soup

-Bring a packet of dashi to a boil in an open pot and boil for five minutes. Dashi is like a teabag, as I learned when I ripped open the first packet and then had to discard the whole mess
-While it's boiling, throw in the ingredients that need some cooking. Last night I used enoki (pictured above) that I got at Otos (I got all the ingredients at otos) and some silken tofu
-When the five minutes is up, turn off the heat and stir in two tablespoons of miso paste.
That's it but it was so delicately flavored and delicious! It was fishier from the dashi than I am accustomed to at restaurants. It also needed greens or seaweed.
Tonight I'll be dining at either the original Mikuni, Maguro in Folsom, or Hana Tsubaki. I have to call around and whichever one has uni is the place I will pick. Hopefully I won't have to gag down any more nasty uni.
Monday, April 09, 2007
he probably had rabies
stank fruite
whistling? what's up with that?
Friday, April 06, 2007
I don't know why you would care about this but...
what is this thing, kabob?
Edokoo II knocked my socks off again last night. I tried the tan tan men for the first time and it was so spicy and delicious! From my limited time there I can now more confidently say that Edokko II ramen is comparable to what you get at a good place in Japan.
do you like to do things?
Thursday, April 05, 2007
poor mans Busfield

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
uni coming out of my ears
Has anyone ever had pasta with sea urchin? That sounds insane but I found a recipe in the Steingarten book and I guess Taylors can get me the sea urchins. If I got it right, this place has the best in the world. The picture definitely looks like what it should ideally look like.
I forgot to post that a while ago I finally got to eat at Cafe Soleil, one of the many businesses with limited hours that I only get to try on days off. I really liked it. It was a pleasant dining experience from start to finish. There were interesting specials, they were super fast, and the weather was beautiful as we sat outside. Does anyone have any favorite dishes there?
shows and stuff
This friday Roots of Orchis (Aaron from the Finches) band is playing at fools
This saturday is Liv's art opening at Fool's Foundation
This sunday (the 8th) is the ye olde antique faire under the freewaye
Friday, April 13th is some kind of crazy solo show that I don't understand, but I know Danny Offer and Brew are involved, maybe someone can explain it to me.
April 14th is the Peep Off
April 21st is a Bananas show at DOV, with Hank IV
I guess it's a little early to get to May events, but both the Finches and Tyvek will be playing shows.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
wtf for real
Has anyone tried Mehran? This yelp is very intriguing and I like how she gave the smackdown to that first review.
does bites have rabies?
If you like to read about food or like food or like eating food and you have never read Jeffrey Steingarten's book "The Man Who Ate Everything" then you are missing out. I used it as a reference last night for some information about uni and it threw me into a funk because his writing is everything I wish mine could be and never will be. Oh well, the man wrote at the fucking Harvard Lampoon, so he combines a posh and cultured background with a great sense of humor and how can I compete with that? I grew up in Lincoln, for fucks sake. You should read it, Beers probably has a used copy.
The new Midtown Monthly is out, with a great picture of Jer Per on the cover. I haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet. I can't wait to see what Dani wrote about Joshua Ploeg. I finally got around to reading last weeks News and Review, and I have to say the quality is a bit...spotty. The Bites column is mad as a hatter (if a column can be said to be mad). I couldn't read that poorly written Rancho Murieta cover story, mostly because the lady that wrote it said yeah, I voted for President Bush, are you going to stop reading now. Yep, I am.
I know I'm like a broken record on this, but can we talk about the yelps of Pho Bac? The latest one I read was Dane H's, which prompted yet another visit from me so that I could see what the hell he was talking about. No, the lobby with the bathrooms in it did not stink, it smelled vaguely like food (wafting out of the restaurant) and some kind of cleaner. Inside, the restaurant smelled great. As usual, we got the perfunctory and efficient service I expect, as usual the pho with rare steak was delicious as was the chicken bunh. Don't order the Chinese food, the place has "pho bac" in the name, order the pho! I would be so bummed if yelp actually had an effect and Pho Bac Hoa Viet closed down because it would create yet another type of ethnic food that we have to leave the grid for (Korean, Middle Eastern, etc.). I don't count Andy Nguyen, it's its own thing. Here's another winning quote from Dane H. "but I have the feeing that they are not practicing good food rotation in the kitchen--it's just a matter of time before I get sick, and I've already had food poisoning once this year, and it was not fun". You "have a feeling" and you are basing a review on that? Food poisoning is a serious accusation to level against a restaurant, so unless you really really think a restaurant gave it to you, how about you keep it to yourself? How about the guy who said the food is great but gave it ONE STAR cuz of bad service? I'm interested in Kim S. claim that "they" tried to pummel her friend when he complained. This really drives me nuts, but I know that writing about it will offend someone or multiple someones.
Monday, April 02, 2007
The finches play next month at Delta of Venus!
art show

a load of tripe
Yeah! I've entered the digital age. It's a whole new world. Here is the tripe first course that was a special at the Waterboy last thursday. I balked when I heard the word "tripe" but I trust Rick Mahan more than I trust most of my family members, so I figured I was in good hands. It was scrumptious! Rather than a big sickening sheet of tripe to attempt to saw away at while I gross out on the different layers of the stomach, there were small, delightfully tender pieces, interspersed with and soaking up the flavors of white beans and I think some chorizo? I can't remember exactly. The Waterboy really hit it out of the ballpark this last time. It's always good but this was a cut above. My entree was the rabbit bolognese, with handmade flat, ribbony pasta and it was also wonderful. And the service was the best in Sac, as usual. The only off note was that Darell Corti was there having his monthly wine dinner and he had like 25 corked bottles on his table with nary an offer to share a glass! The table next to use got like three half bottles. Rats.