There is quite a bit of prep for this recipe, as you can see.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
panthay noodles
There is quite a bit of prep for this recipe, as you can see.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
you've got the right idea
I don't have a lot to squawk about. I have tomorrow off. The search for Phil Lesh continues (see post below). I'm listening to Nar at work. Man, are they good or what? j.k., here's the real link
Monday, February 25, 2008
kimchee and ramen, brilliant
Friday, February 22, 2008
p.s.-I'm going to Mulvaney's next week and I'm stoked!
p.p.s.-I finally ate at the Los Tigres Del Taco taco truck at the Del Paso Thrift Town. That's A Lot of Capitilization in that Sentence. I got the al pastor taco. Great! It was made with teeny tortillas and cost $1.25. That hit the spot. Thrift Town did not. Thrift stores are failing me lately, but luckily Bows and Arrows can fill the void.
weak as fuck
Don't forget that four eyes/rtl show on saturday, and also Neil Hamburger is mc'ing the All Sketch Comedy Fest on 24th (and broadway, right?).
Sunday is the Oscars but I can't really rouse myself to give a crap so far. And then monday the very exciting show at the Press Club (yes?) with the Ohsees and Agent Ribbons.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
vote for a boring thing
lots of shows are coming up. the four eyes and rock the light are playing at the stag in woodland on saturday night. that sounds fun, except for the tracking down a designated driver bit, but i'll be out of town anyways.
monday we have a sophie's choice type situation, in which I could go see the ohsees and agent ribbons at the press (is it at the press?), or go see the mantles and rantouls (the mantouls? the rantles?) at the knockout. fuck! why do I have to choose. ok, the place i can bike to probably wins.
hey, did you know that local burger afficionado and all around nice guy, cody, is interested in getting to the music biz? i've seen the release he did for jay, and it's totally pro
oh sees song
Pitchfork wrote something typically snotty about the new oh sees track, and Wuhouse gets a mention for producing it. Do you guys get that Planet Clair reference? If so, can you translate the last sentence into regular speech?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
william utermohlen
the gory aftermath
The show at Old I was fun, fun, fun. Well, until the Yuba City hecklers ruined it for everyone. What about that asshole, who, when Al peeled off his outer layer of shirt (not the other layer, boo) yelled out Al's mom's name, and then said "like mother like son, always taking off your shirt". The nerve! Luckily, Al beat him to a bloody pulp after the show. I will admit, I gave him a swift kick to the ribs when no one was looking. You would probably expect that I would have some awesome pictures from the show to share, but my camera, she don't work that way, so instead I have awesome pictures of last nights dinner.
We went to the Asian Food Center on Broadway. I asked the kid working the desk at Sunh fish about a fish to grill, and he steered me towards the striped bass because it's nice and oily. It was already dead. The live fish, the black bass, he said is more of a fish to steam. They gutted and scaled it for me. It came to under 14 bucks for the 3 pound fish. I took the fishy and stuffed him with chili paste and crushed ginger and garlic, then I squeezed lemon on his skin and coated him with fine sea salt. Five minutes on each side on the grill and voila! Fucking delicious, especially the skin, which was all charred and crispy and salty.
Then we watched "Jazz on a summer's day". I netflixed this because I read in an article that it's both Martin Scorsese and Mick Jagger's favorite music doc ever, and I can see why. 29 thumbs up! This movie is shot beautifully and well, jazzily. It's worth it just to peep the fashion of the audience. An America without slobs, just imagine!
p.s.-the dude at Sunh fish said they should be getting crabs in today
Friday, February 15, 2008
dc stirring things up
inspiration for halloween show

These guys below obviously look great.

OK, I know youtube posts are lazy, but this is rad. Man, how many times can you say "lady" in one song that's not named "Lady"?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
vinh phat
I do think Midtown Monthly is rad, of course, and I want them to do well, but I also like other local publications, such as the news and review, which I think is apples and oranges to MM but is an invaluable resource for our area, which I read every week and frequently spend time discussing and analyzing, and Edible Sacramento is fun to pick up, and Alive and Kicking is an institution (and the Knock Knock cover interview is great!). I find the Bee to be very, very disappointing on many levels, Sacramento magazine is a joke, which everybody knows, and I think Sactown mag could do a lot better and it represents a whole attitude about Sac which I despise and yes, find very threatening to my way of life. There's the round up. It's funny to think that me taking taking the piss at (did I use that right?) Sactown could affect their ad revenue in any way. I never slant my pieces in any way to get ad revenue, and have never received the slightest pressure to do so.
BUT, I was thinking about Sactown's food coverage and thinking that I guess it's not really the place of a glossy monthly to do real food criticism. They have write-ups more than reviews. That's really the place of the news and review and more importantly, the Bee, which completely drops the ball on that. I didn't even read the writeup that Sactown had on Tuli Bistro, cuz the sunday morning, sweats clad jamband "Lovepile" was driving me out of Old Soul.
Man, Vinh Phat is a kerazy market. Yesterday I perused it and am making my first foray into the pre-seasoned frozen fake meat territory. I bought fake bbq pork and fake beef pepper steak. They also have beautiful bunches of pea shoots for cheap, which I sauteed with tofu, ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil last night. Is this a seasonal type of produce or have you guys seen these year round? They're delicious, albeit a big fibrous. I skip the metamucil today.
Anyway, tonight-Lost!
Tomorrow-Knock Knock, English Singles, San Kazagascar show!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
save the aura condos?
However, I will probably buy the new issue, with Jackie Greene on the cover, unless I can peep it for free somewhere. Did you guys hear about the reuniting of the Grateful Dead for Barack Obama, with Jackie Greene as one of the guests? Nuts.
I want to like sactown mag. I don't want to hate it. But their whole deal is that Sac used to be really lame and is just getting cooler and cooler and if we can just persuade more slick and glossy douchebags to deign to inhabit the new lofts and condos we'll all feel the benefit. Look, d-bags, Mandy Moore was here for a few hours, don't you want to live here now?
Monday, February 11, 2008
happy fake spring, everybody!
Holy fucking shit, The Ohsees blew my mind! I saw them at Fools before but this time was like the goodness of that show squared. I'm a superfan now. I just checked their myspace and for some reason it's only showing their march shows, but the club pow myspace still has them listed with agent ribbons on february 25th. Don't miss this show! Don't worry, I'll remind you about it. Gomerstock in general was great fun, except there was a gnarly fight at the very end. I think someone in the Uncut Hunks was hurt. I hope not badly. DJ Rick bravely stepped up to try to talk some sense into the marauders. The cops showed up in about 25 seconds so hopefully the dudes were arrested. What's up sacto has some pictures.
Tonight the Terrible Twos and the Warm Streams have another show, a house show. It's at a house called the witchdome.
Clear your calendars for this friday cuz it's the knock knock, english singles show. All these shows are a wonderful way to celebrate fake spring!
Friday, February 08, 2008
busting makes me feel bad
A special friday Twilley video, with cameo appearances by Tom Petty and the unknown comic.
OK, so we watched Lost before we went to the show and I am calling b.s. on the ghostbusting. That show Lost me (heh) a little bit. A couple of good twists, though, and I like the new Jimmy Buffet guy.
We missed the Nowheres and the Standard Tribesman. The Tribesman are playing a house show in Davis with the Ganglians on March 23rd. Hopefully I can go to that. I am officially proclaiming that the singer of the nowheres is the punkest guy in sac. Livmoe said he spit on the audience a few times. Th' Losin' Streaks tore it up and then were cut short by technical problems, which kept the show from going past 1 am. Pierced Arrows were good. I was glad they were stoked on the show. Maybe they'll tell the Black Lips that Sac isn't the worst place on earth after all. Davis showed up en masse for this show which made it more fun. Thanks, Davis!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
shows shows
Also, there's an awesome, awesome show on saturday. It's for whause's bday. It's called GOMERSTOCK 2008. It's the ohsees, warm streams, mayyors and my new favoritely named band, the uncut hunks. Fun! At the charred doghause, starts early. I would love a ride to this show if anyone has two spots for me and my old man.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
mayberry machiavellis? I love it!
"there is no precedent in any modern White House forwhat is going on in this one: complete lack of a policy apparatus. Besides the tax cut, which was cut and dried during the campaign, and the education bill, which was really a Ted Kennedy bill, the administration has not done much, either in absolute terms or in comparison to previous administrationsat this stage, on domestic policy. What you've got is everything, and I mean everything, being run by the political arm. It's the reign of the Mayberry Machiavellis. [They] consistently talked and acted as if the height of political sophistication consisted in reducing every issue to its simplest black-and-white terms for public consumption, then steering legislative initiatives or policy proposals as far right as possible." The former White House director confides, "I heard many, many staff discussions but not three meaningful, substantive policy discussions. There were no actual policy papers on domestic issues. There were, truth be told, only a couple of people in the West Wing who worried at all about policy substance and analysis ... Every modern presidency moves on the fly, but on social policy and related issues, the lack of even basic policy knowledge, and the only casual interest in knowing more, was somewhat breathtaking: discussions by fairly senior people who meant Medicaid but were talking Medicare;near-instant shifts from discussing any actual policy pros and cons to discussing political communications, media strategy, et cetera ." DiIuliogoes on to tell us that "the remarkably slapdash character of the Office of Homeland Security, with the nine months of arguing that no department was needed, with the sudden, politically timed reversal in June ..."
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Are you there God? It's me Heckasac.
Monday, February 04, 2008
I finally got to do some cooking this weekend, which made me really happy. I cooked a LOL (leg of lamb) from a recipe by Simon Hopkinson (not sure if this book lives up to the hype but I really like it). The recipe called for me to stab the leg with a small sharp knife, stuff in half a garlic clove, half and anchovy, and a sprig of rosemary, and repeat twelve times. Then I rubbed the leg with a butter, anchovy mixture, poured half a bottle of white wine into a roasting pan, and put the whole thing in the oven. Unfortunately, the timing on the recipe was completely wrong, so the first time I pulled the leg out it was raw, and I ate a bite and got a bite of total lukewarm raw bloody meat in my mouth. I'm still kind of recovering from that. The real revelation was the brussel sprouts recipe. Corti brothers had some beautiful brussel sprouts with small, tight heads (sounds dirty). Here's what I did:
saute yellow onion of shallot in some olive oil for two minutes on medium heat
throw in brussel sprouts (halved), salt and pepper and saute for four minutes, until browned
throw some water in the pan, enough to just cover the bottom
put on lid and cook for about 6 minutes, still on medium, keep checking to see if the water has evaporated, if so add a teeny bit more
when done, squeeze a half lemon over the top. I picked a meyer lemon from my neighbor's tree and used that.
the recipe called for apple cider vinegar, but mine had some disgusting huge clot of mold in it. does anyone else have this problem with vinegar? do you keep it in the fridge? mine always goes bad before I can use it more than once.
Friday, February 01, 2008
dharma brew
I assume the new Midtown Monthly is out today? It's the Del Paso Heights issue. Look for it. Did the SN&Rs ranking of sexy people make anyone else uncomfortable? I just hope no one shows it to June because I think she's going to be very confused. It's a nice sentiment, and of course June is beautiful, but I think it's a little disrespectful. Respect June!
This play has its official opening today and I hope to go to it. I enjoyed their production of Fat Pig. And you get to watch it on the Delta King!