Tuesday, August 10, 2010

civic duty

Jury duty!


Anonymous said...

jury duty rules.


darin said...

I get called in for jury duty every single year, but my job won't pay for the time off, so I always get out of it. I wouldn't even really mind doing it, if I could afford to.

Anonymous said...

I'm on call this week too. Didn't have to go in on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Crazy. I just did it too. got dismissed yesterday.


Anonymous said...

They've recently called tons of people from my work. Makes me suspect that they use employer id #s to cull the herd.

The Other Ed

beckler said...

I was there two days but didn't sit in the jury box at any point. All I can say is that if you are going to trial you should pick a judge trial. It's amazing how many people proudly (and vocally) reject the concept of "innocent until proven guilty". I wish I had been picked.

Anonymous said...

I had the same impression when I had jury duty last year, which sort of led me to not fight or lie to prevent my eventual inclusion. I figured the guy deserved a fair trial, at least. At the end of the day, though, the group I ended up with took the trial very seriously and judged it fairly and reasonably.


P.S.: Does this mean I don't have to read SacRag anymore?