Wednesday, August 25, 2010

get your gloat on

I am not trying to get my gloat on about this, but has any mayor ever been so inept at managing his own P.R.?

P.S. there's some scandalous shit in the comments. Read it now before the Bee yanks it.


Anonymous said...

I was trying to figure out which Royal Court dancer, but they all wear so much makeup that none of them look like teenagers. Maybe they look younger in person.


beckler said...

I heard he got it on with Dinger in a porta potty once

Sharper said...

My only regret is that I never got to say to a camera crew, "I think I'd be just as competent a mayor as Kevin Johnson. I have the same degree, the same failure to improve Sacramento's schools, and the same thing for underage girls."

Anonymous said...

I can confirm the Dinger rumor.
