This is super painful. I was trying to look through older pictures but it's making me sad, so I don't even want to. Two friends are moving away this weekend.
DP is one of my best, oldest friends. I feel like we were kids when we met. He was wearing some sort of euro scarf and using a rope as a belt and smoking hand-rolled cigarettes and right away I was riveted by this intriguing person. We've lived together in, I think, three different houses, right? One million laughs and some tears later, he is still one of my favorite people in the world. So sweet, so kind, so caring, so silly, so funny, such a good musician, such a good friend, such a good uncle and son and brother.
Sad Barnesyard.
Stop! I'm tearing up at work! I've worked hard on my tough as nails rep here.
DP has always been an awesome dude to me and it's been great to watch his bands. we only have hung out a few times over the years, like watching the lowly Broncos lose to the Raiders over coffee, but they've been good fun times and he is a generous host. so, it's too bad he won't be in Sacto to see the raiders beat the broncos twice this forthcoming NFL season, but each time the Raiders beat the Broncos, i will think of him, Nick
I'm really going to miss DP and Caroline. DP, I guess we missed our chance to do The Breeders for a Halloween show. Caroline, I will rage with you tomorrow night!
Farewell rage!
That's totally cold. I think warm thoughts about George Bush when the Raiders beat the Broncos!
I will miss DP and Caroline so much. What great, warm, friendly, good-timing, creative and talented folks.
I feel a bit like Sacto will lose it's center when it loses DP. There will be too many damn sleeves around here for one. And I have never ever gotten to spend as much time with Caroline as I want to, even when we spend 5 hours drinking together, it still isn't enough.
Look for me on your couch, bros!
and in totally unrelated news there is the greatest CA Nurses Assoc. protest happening at the Capital right now. There are about 3000 people dressed as suffragettes. It's really great looking.
The Raiders beat the Broncos? Are we sure this happened? It sounds like the kind of thing that morally bankrupt Raiders fans would make up between smoking meth and setting a hobo on fire.
Kyle Orton is God!
Beautiful tribute.
And I love the last picture.
A gentleman AND a scholar.
Very few of them left.
Sorry to see you leadsingerforfear us. I'll actually miss you very much, David Paul. And if I'm lyin' I'm flyin.
Mister Hunter
DP: you have to come back to sacto each year for wrestlemania!
they'll be back.
remember capstick's law:
sacto-->pdx + time = pdx-->sacto
By the time DP and Caroline move back to Cali they should be old enough to invest in some leather vests and start a blues band with me. Yes!!
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