Thursday, September 16, 2010

I can't believe someone said "suburban scum"!

Midtown Monthly has a discussion going on about Second Saturday on the blog. It really is so, so horrible that someone got killed. I can't believe it.

I disagree with a lot of the suggestions, such as the one to only play blues and swing music. Trying to enforce a decibel level instead would be nice, but probably isn't possible. As usual, I like Bill's suggestions. I think this one is KEY:

In time–It’s time to bring elements of Second Saturday to every Saturday. Street busking, food carts, and vendors need to be an everyday part of central city life, not just once a month at a pre-selected date. It should be regulated and properly managed, but the process should be simple and straightforward. You shouldn’t have to check your calendar to know something interesting is happening downtown.


wburg said...

But the suburban scumbags, they don't care, they'll just get fat and dye their hair.

But I love livin' in the city.

Snufkin said...

It's definitely not the price of the Mayor's supposed "growing pains." Anytime you have a free event open to the public when the weather is nice, there's always the risk of increased public drinking. The weekly summer Farmer's Market in Reno is pretty much the situation described here - lots of people showing up because there's nothing else to do in town & instead of it being fun/mellow and about the farmer, it's turned into a crowded event with lots of public drunkenness.